Saturday, November 21, 2020

Quick Thoughts: Blues Brothers 2000

For this week's watch along over in my Discord, the featured film was Blues Brothers 2000. Makes sense since the original Blues Brothers film was featured last week.

So right toff the bat, here is a big question, as Elwood doesn't learn about Jake's death until a day after he gets out of prison and is waiting to be picked up.Now we know all the member of the band got out before Elwood did, but the question is, when would have Jake be released and when did he he did within the continuity of the Blues Brothers universe? If we go by date of John Belushi's death of March 5, 1982.... then that means no one told Elwood that Jake died until 1998... which is like a total dick move.

Okay, now I will admit I'm someone who does not have an issue with the character of Buster Blues... however, I am very much aware of how the studio (in this case Universal) pretty much forced the character into existence along with a number of other 'creative' notes that basically neutered what John Landis and Dan Aykroyd were hoping to accomplish with the sequel. Universal's meddling of things basically is what leads to the Joe Morton being in the film instead of Jim Belushi, because the studio, who didn't want to do the film to begin with and insisted on various details, wanted the film out in theaters in early 1998. Belushi ended up being unavailable because he was committed to a show on ABC (and this was before the show According to Jim). Within the context of Blues Brothers lore, Jim Belushi was already portraying the character known as 'Zee' in concert with the Blues Brothers band along side Aykroyd and John Goodman as Might Mack, in particular with the opening of the House of Blues clubs around the United States in the mid-90s, and the Belushi was also apart of the Blues Brothers Half Time show at the Super Bowl in 1996. So with Belushi being unavailable and a studio, the part of 'Zee' was re-written to create a tribute to the legendary Cab Calloway who played Curtis in the first film, with the character being called Cabel 'Cab' Chamberlain. The obvious parallel and Belushi connection is certainly seen in the Revival Tent / John The Revalator sequence will Cab is 'transformed' and the character performs the same backflip sequence Jake does in the first film when he has his realization at the Triple Rock Church.

Some people, probably most notably the idiot known as The Nostalgia Critic, aka Doug Walker, takes issue with the number of musical numbers in Blues Brothers 2000, and to a point that is kind of understandable. But when you look at in the context of how old many of performers were in Blues Brothers 2000 and how many have since passed away, the film becomes more an awesome time capsule and showcase of some of the greatest music performers of all time. Just take a look at the Louisana Gators Boys line up that includes BB King, Issac Hayes, Koko Taylor, Steve Winwood, Clarence Clemons, Bo Diddley and others, then realize throughout the rest of the movie there is Eddie Floyd, Junior Wells, Aretha Franklin, Sam Moore, James Brown, Wilson Pickett and Lonnie Brooks and you realize... Blues Brothers 2000 is rather special and I'm serious when I say, the collection of musical talent featured in it will never be equaled.

That said, I do take one small issue with the Soundtrack to the film... in particularly with some versions of songs performed by the Blues Brothers band not being on it, particularly the version of Green Onion heard after the Bluesmobile runs out of gas. Live recording of Green Onions appear on the Made In America and The Blues Brothers & Friends Live album, but I would love hear the full version of it the band recorded for this movie. Not to mention the band's version of Last Night was also pretty good.... Now don't get me wrong, the sound track album is great, but we probably could've done without John Popper's Harmonica Musings and Let There Be Drums by the Carl LaFong Trio... but that's just my opinion.

Today's Notes 11/21/20

Good afternoon everybody,

The 2020 Gaming Tour added another game finished to the list last night when I finished my first ever console run of Mass Effect, making it the 43rd game finished this year on stream. Now to the shock of some, with my Female Shepard character the Paramour achievement was done with Kaiden instead of Liara for a couple of reasons, one being I can't stand Liara, which is well established and two I've never did that route in my previous PC play-throughs, so it was something different. Add onto that, normally when it comes to the choice on Virmire, normally the one I save is whoever is at the nuke, so obviously the person saved was Kaiden instead of Ashley, but the twist here is we went to save Kaiden who was at the A.A. tower.... which meant I got to see a cut scene I never seen before of the one left behind defending the nuke, which was pretty bad ass. 

With Mass Effect being finished the question of what will be the next game featured comes to mind, at the moment I'm considering Kingdom Heart Chain of Memories in addition to a few other games. Certainly a lot of possibilities but it'll come down what do I think I will be able to finish before the end of the year. After all last year we finished 44 games with 2 that carried over into this year.

Today's Fitness Boxing routine was felt pretty good with Weaving, Defensive and Hook Combos being the three sets done. All were about the same length of time roughly 11.5 minuets each which made the session pretty even with not one set throwing a monkey wrench into the proverbial works. 

In the world of Animal Crossing New Horizons, it seems my daily routine is gifting one item to one resident of the island and if I get something back, starting a chain reaction of gifting that item to another resident and if they give me something back, gifting that to a third resident and so on and so on. It is pretty hilarious on how deep that could go, and thankfully there are only 10 residents on my little island of Ocean View.

Really thinking today's watch along will be Blues Brothers 2000 over in my discord channel, yes it is not as good as the original, but when you realize how much the studio interfered in the creative process, one must realize Blues Brothers 2000 is more about the music than it being a film. Obviously I'll have more to say on this with the Quick Thoughts bit.

Also with it being Saturday that means tonight we're doing Twitch Sings, which of course shuts down January 1, 2021. Some folks are looking for ways to continue doing some form of Karaoke on Twitch and I've given some thought to maybe using Rocksmith on stream to learn to play guitar, but since that uses license music I better not do that. Still we'll have a lot of fun later over on


Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)