Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Ok... Terminator Resistance actually gets good in its second half

Hi everyone, 

Tonight's stream ended at about 1:30 AM, and I actually could have gone longer, but I want to make sure I have a lot to do in-game next time I feature Terminator: Resistance. As you can tell by the title of this blog, I have a lot more of a positive outlook on Terminator: Resistance. While stealth is certainly encouraged, the face the game has a lot more action set pieces and different approaches on how to handle various circumstances starting with everything after the return to Pasadena makes me think that this game had a lot of potential.

I still stand by what I say that Terminator: Resistance is a mediocre game, but seeing all the ideas that it has combined with my haphazard play style makes me realize that if the developers were either given more time gave more room for players to maneuver then this could've been a huge game on par with the best modern first-person shooters. 

Oddly enough, this is going to be a game we'll be able to get all the achievements all, because after tonight's stream, there are only two left and they are both story related. And we should be able to finish the game next time we play it, which is slated for Monday, as we're in the middle of Chapter 20, and there are only 28 Chapters left. If I focus on just the main story and ignore any side quests, it'll be a breeze, but I am trying to get all the skills unlocked.

Terminator Resistance Achievements

  • Still Counts as One: Destroy the T-47 that occupies Pasadena.
  • No Hope: Open the unlockable door in Pasadena.
  • The Tide Is Turning: Escape Downtown with Alvin.
  • Fool Me Once...: Destroy the Infiltrator.
  • Turn Up the Radio: Use Ryan’s boombox to annoy Alvin.

For the raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Smite over on

Oh and speaking of Monday, because of the July 4th Holiday, my job has us off on Monday and Tuesday, so I take a hit in the wallet because of the lack of work, but we'll be able to start both streams early on those days.

And speaking of work, today it was rather blah, as the thunderstorms knocked out my power for a few minutes... so I lost some time there. Doesn't help the current assignment has a mandatory intro that needs to be read, which with my approach doesn't do me any favors... not to mention, we're told it's a 20-25 minute interview, but apparently it's actually 60 minutes for a completion. Ugh.

Got the outline for the next short story planned out, it is a modern WWE one which I'm not looking forward to writing but I'll soldier through it.

Our next scheduled stream is for Wednesday night at 9:30 PM Eastern, with the plan once again to start the Chris campaign in Resident Evil 6 with Iceman. Lets see if that happens this week!

So we'll see you then, over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)