Friday, July 21, 2023

Fridge is holding on, GooD night in Gotham Knights

Hi everyone,

So my fridge is still holding on with its settings set to max in order to keep things in it cool, which has the added effect of over freezing everything in my freezer... but hopefully when the PSE&G tech comes on Monday morning they can fix the problem so I can set it back to normal, or give me an idea of how long it'll last before I have to get a new one.

Work was solid, getting more interviews done... folks were not as friendly as they were the previous night.

Tonight's stream of Gotham Knights saw big progression on the story, and I'm at the point to where I can justify ignoring doing all the random stuff around the city and just do the main story, as the next major thing to do involves taking on Jacob Kane in order to bring him to justice. Part of why I'm considering that approach is because we hit the maximum level one could do in a single play through (30), and to hit maximum leve l(40), that requires a second play through.

Now I did managed to successfully complete one of the major side quests which was to protect Bruce Wayne's identity, and that proved to be interesting with a number of the puzzles to plant the files. The reward being a clip of Bruce acting a fool was worth it.

I am giving heavy consideration of playing Gotham Knights for Saturday's stream, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

Gotham Knights Achievements

  • A Worthy Successor: Unlock all Knighthood Abilities for any member of the Batman Family
  • From Inside Gotham's Walls: Complete Case File 05: THE COURT OF OWLS
  • Solid Alibi: Successfully protect Batman's secret identity

For the raid we visited pradoxgamerau who was playing X4: Foundation over on

Something I realized is that the achievement for completing the first chapter of Jake's campaign in Resident Evil 6 didn't pop for me. Which is really weird on so many levels.

Didn't do any writing yesterday, so after this blog is posted I'll be working on the Mass Effect short story commission.

Our next stream is slated for Friday night at 9:30 PM Eastern, with the focus being on Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and there is a probability we could finish the game! We'll see.

So on that we'll see you next time over on