Friday, December 10, 2021

Poorly Putting With Pauline

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday was a work day that was not a work day, so figure that one out...

Anyway, last night's stream did indeed feature Mario Golf Super Rush, as we spent the night working on seeing how high we can get on the leader board. I focused on playing as Pauline as it turns out you can unlock club sets by playing enough for each character. So basically we have excuses to keep featuring Mario Golf Super Rush in the future!

Now as I've gottne better with teeing off and driving the ball, I have not improved on putting... resorting to POWER to get things done. That said even when I'm trying to line everything up, more often my puts go off the hole, which is both hilarious and sad at the same thing. 

I did finally figure out how to put a backspin on the ball, which has helped in terms of me choosing to aim a little more creatively to get from point A to point B.

Following the fun we sent the fun over to Swiftsupafly who was playing Super Dodge Ball over at  

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with the exercises being Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Triple Combo #2 and Intermediate Combo #1 for an estimated calorie burn of 519 kcal.

Was really happy to see that Life is Strange: True Colors won some awards last night for the Game Awards, and that Square Enix basically cleaned up with Final Fantasy XIV and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

TellTale Games is doing a Star Trek game which is due out next year, safe to say that will be on my list of things to get as early as possible.

So it took all afternoon, but I got the two final online achievements for Jump Force... which means every other achievement left involves doing the Missions to grind. 

Jump Force Achievements

  1. Our Bonds: Fought other players online 100 or more times.
  2. Challenger: Challenged other players 10 or more times.

Get use to that sweater I've worn the last couple of nights, if it's like below 40 I'm putting it on... or the Mass Effect jacket.... whichever is closer!

My Final Fantasy XIV progress last night saw us finally catch up with Y'shtola not to mention find out that obvious fact that by slaying the Lightwardens, we might be dooming the world of the first... if anything by one cut scene is to go by. That said, the part of the Main Story Quest done last night, A Party Soon Divided up through An Unwanted Proposal, may have been the the first half of the level 74-75 quests for Shadowbringers, but it was mostly text and lore with very little 'doing things'.

Not surprised Jeff Hardy fell off the wagon again, dude never changed his in-ring style enough to where he wasn't risking having to self-prescribe. 

For tonight's stream we will be playing Pokemon Shining Pearl, with Budew in the lead off spot to try and improve the friendship rating with it in order to evolve it during the day at some point.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!