Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Today's Notes 1/13/21

Good afternoon everybody, 

For last night's stream, we did an extra night of Overwatch, going after the new Hanzo skin as part of the Kanezaka Challenge, which features a new map in the game... which I will never see because I don't play the the free-for-all death match modes. Still we got the new skin for Hanzo which meant we did get nine wins last night. Also since Comcast actually fixed things that were fault for not performing routine exterior maintenance on their wires and boxes, last night was the first time ever I was able to stream at 3 Mbps, and while I'll dial it down a bit, it was a huge difference believe. 

As a result of things being fixed with my upload speeds and things being stabilized went ahead and upload to my facebook page (  the highlight reel of not just last night's stream but also the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 stream from Monday night that we forced through... the footage is ugly as sin but hey, it's there in the playlist for completion purposes.

Today's Fitness Boxing session lasted a half hour, due to no lower body focused exercises being involved, so I used that as a reason to step on the scale today, and if each little mark represents to pounds, then I weight 257 pounds near as I can tell.since the line was right between the marks of 256 and 258. It's lightest I've weight in probably 10 years. So yay me! 

Also did a quick trip to my island in Animal Crossing New Horizons today, everyone was out and about so no weirdness of any kind caught my eye when chatting up with everyone. I do think the DIY rotation of things the residents want to teach the players needs to have more variety to avoid being repeated, since a good portion of what those DIY recipes end up being things made from stuff on the island.

 Got a new book in the mail today, RWBY Before the Dawn, which sees the further adventures of team CFVY that I look forward to casually reading in the coming days. Also got a set of CAT6 Ethernet cables, to upgrade some wired connected here in my office.

Tonight's stream will start at around 9:30 PM EST as we return to ESPN Major League Baseball and the 2004 season, we'll be continuing a home stand we started last we, as the St Louis Cardinals comes to town to face my Philadelphia Phillies.

And on that bombshell, we'll see you later over on!