Monday, December 25, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Merry Christmas everyone,

Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect started early and saw us clear out various side areas and as we completed the grind for both the Lift and Singularity biotic powers. We also tackled Noveria in one direct shot, going the full renegade route by not letting the Rachni Queen leave. Now based on what I have available, the next thing is to head to Ferros, but I would like to see if I can trigger getting the message to go to Vermire first, so maybe a side trip to the Citadel is in order. 

Either way, we're continuing Mass Effect tomorrow night, and the stream will start after 9 PM as I was told we'll have work Tuesday to Friday this week.

For the raid we dropped in on baenalux who was playing Mass Effect: The Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Lift Mastery: Use biotic Lift 75 times
  • Singularity Mastery: Use biotic Singularity 75 times

 Made use of the Air Fryer I was given to make some eggs, and they turned out alright I think, tasted pretty good.

 Currently in the middle of writing a WWE related commission story, which is about 30% finished at this point. I'll be working on it the rest of the night with the goal of finishing it before work tomorrow night.

And that's all the notes I have for today!