Friday, December 1, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

Tonight we wrapped Persona 5 Tactica, and I have to say, start to finish, this was a great little game, a nice way to introduce people to the mechanics involved in a tactic style game. The story certainly lost a little steam with the whole fight for your beliefs in the face of stagnation, but since it was focused on a politician finding his nerve to do the right thing, it does come across as ironic considering how the Republican party here in the United States refuses to do the right thing. 

Without question I will play this again, as there are only two achievements left, one for completing the compendium and the other for passing the the baton ten times. There is also the mater of the DLC story, but since I don't care for the character of Akechi I can easily treat the DLC as something extra to do (since there are no achievements tied to it)

So that said, our next game will be the Xbox Series version of Stray, which we'll start on Saturday night.

For our next stream on Friday, we'll be getting back to Horizon Zero Dawn

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • A Will for Change: Defeated the fourth Kingdom's boss.
  • Endless Journey: Played through 500 turns.
  • The Ultimate Mask: Fused Satanael.
  • Quality Time at Leblanc: Watched all hideout Talk conversations.
  • Grand Thievery: Earned all awards.
  • A Tale of Revolution: Completed the game. 

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing South Park: The Fractured But Whole 

Picked up some new slippers and a bunch of Funko Pops off of Amazon real cheap. Picked up few based on WWE, Marvel, Star Wars, Justice League and the US Marine Corp

Finished a Mass Effect story commission and waiting for the payment on that, and started work on the next commission request which is based on a recent game in the NFL

And on that note, good night!