Friday, February 18, 2022

A Casual Night Of Grinding In Final Fantasy XIV

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was pretty casual, with an initial focus on doing on the Wondrous Tales that I needed to wrap that up for the week. A big focus of the stream was spent leveling up Blue Mage and Fishing. I really do find the fishing part to be good part to just chill out. Leveling Blue Mage is a bit tough, finding some FATES seems to really help in that regard, particularly if I end up doing one that folks are working on.

I did discovered that Blue Mage can do some of the side quests, which does mean some actual content can be done with the class. Problem is remember all the areas where I skipped the side quests as I was really focused on Main Story and Featured quests!  I thought about doing a Pandamoemum raid, but since that gives major spoilers as it relates to Endwalker I held off on doing that. Kind of figure those would be wise to do on stream one the first of Endwalker's Post-Content comes out.

Now will I watch the Final Fantasy XIV live letter tonight to see what's coming? Nope, that happens at 9 PM Eastern and I will be in the middle of my stream for the evening, but I'll check out the notes afterward to see what's coming and what's expected.

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing We Were Here Too along with FNDanteSavage over at 

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Of course that would happen!
  2. Kill this damn thing already! 
  3. RUN AWAY!!!! 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout was 31 minutes with Double Combo #2, Advanced Combo #2 and Left-Right Step Combo for an estimated calorie burn of 566 kcal.

Messed around a bit with the X-Box 360 version of Mortal Kombat IX, aka the reboot game which came after Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. For a fighting game, it actually has a good tutorial in that it teaches you the basics to make sure you know what buttons do what. Now I have played the Steam version years ago, but because it didn't have a borderless windowed mode, I never streamed it. So we'll more than likely will be featuring the story mode of MK9 in the near future. In terms of achievements, there are some I feel I could get, with some real heavy grinding... and probably making use of the broken wired controller I used for Capcom Arcade Stadium to go after the 24 hour playtime with one character.

Mortal Kombat Achievements

  • Fatality!: Perform a Fatality!
  • Block This!: Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter
  • Where's The Arcade?: Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter
  • License to Kill: Complete Fatality Trainer
  • A For Effort: Complete Tutorial Mode

Thinking about having a new logo made, and going to DaemonsW0lf ( for it is an obvious choice.

For tonight's stream we will be starting up Persona 5 Royal for the first time. Now my familiarity with the Persona series is pretty limited, with my first real exposure to it coming via Blaz Blue Cross Tag Battle... granted that game featured characters from Persona 4, but it caught my interest. And since I do lurk around the Fan Fic writing community, I've obviously seen stuff focused on Persona 5, granted without any real context, it was all Greek to me, so those will in no way affect my first attempt of playing it.

But what are my expectations for tonight's stream... well I'm not sure. I know the P5 community can be a little divided over some decisions that one has to make during the course of the game. At the same time, the amount of potential insight and actual help from the chat could be a lot of fun... I know most people are very picky about backseat gaming when it comes to Persona 5, but I've never been one to shy away from getting help with a video game!

So with that said, we'll see you later tonight for Persona 5 Royal over on!