Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Start Of Shadowbringers

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream certainly started off showing just how crazy the queues are for Final Fantasy XIV at the moments with all the excitement around Endwalker, and so many people wanting to experience the new content first. However, for me, I just reached the start of Shadowbringers... so the entire first half hour of the stream was waiting to get into the game... a process that started nearly two hours before hand.

So my stream was mostly focused on basically the initial 'tutorial' of the new major city and all the early cut scenes, plus finding Alisaie and Alphinaud to start getting the Scions put back together. There is some half-baked idea that the person who brings the player to the world of the first screwed up and ripped the souls of the Scions out of their bodies... and yet they have corporal forms. That said, their is the interesting aspect of timing moving differently in this new area than it does in the world I was in, so for the Scions, time has certainly past a great deal... but does this mean by the time we get back to the world of the Source, there will be a time skip? I am avoiding spoilers on that. 

I am glad that there was a cut down on the Aether currents, because it meant less frustration with the compass in regards to being lead to one that could not be reached because of story progression, a fact made really obvious in Stormblood when you have eight to find, but the closest one detected to you is in an area you are not allowed to reach yet!

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid during last night's stream, they were streaming Final Fantasy XIV as well, but were going out of their way to avoid the Endwalker stuff to make sure they aren't giving spoilers to anyone not up to that point yet. Kal streams over at

Following the stream, we hosted Maximilian_DOOD who was celebrating their 8th year Streamaversary over at!

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Weaving Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 492 kcal.

So let me understand this CNN fires Chris Cuamo once they have properly investigated that he has done terrible things, but Fox News endorses Tucker Carlson even though he encourages domestic terrorism. And people wonder why Fox News is considered to be a joke.

Jumped into playing some Jump Force early this morning to knock off some achievements. Still can't get that one win in a Friendly Match, and I finally had a person accept a challenge... just need to do that 9 more times!

Jump Force Achievements

  1. Did Something Nice Happen?: Obtained dropped items 10 or more times.
  2. Apprenticeship Graduate: Got S rank 10 or more times on Easy Free Missions.
  3. A Full-Fledged Knight: Cleared Free Mission on Normal one or more times.
  4. Master of Titles: Earned more than 50 or more titles.
  5. Seasoned Fighter: Cleared Free Mission on Hard one or more times.

It's Sunday which means we have a collection of my favorite clips featuring all the games we played this week, which included Overwatch, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Jump Force, Gears of War 4, Mario Golf Super Rush, Pokemon Shining Pearl and Final Fantasy XIV!  

For tonight's stream we will of course be playing Overwatch, just the usual mess of Quick Plays and hoping we get in games with viewers!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!