Thursday, November 2, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

 Hi everyone, 

Tonight, Iceman and I wrapped up the main story of Journey to the Savage Planet, and it was certainly interesting and lot of fun when it came to figuring out how to navigate the puzzles while using limited items to get to higher platforms. I'm not sure how exactly some things would be possible to do solo, but we figured it out! I honestly think this is a great game to play co-op because the discovery of realizing what is possible and sharing that experience adds a lot of charm to a game like this

Of course we're not completely done with it, as we'll be keeping Journey to the Savage Planet around on Wednesdays to do the DLC content along with seeing if we can pick up more achievements. 

And yeah, Iceman and I did an extended chat after the gaming,  talking about the best players to wear every jersey number for Philadelphia and Toronto. 

Thursday night's stream will see Resident Evil return. On Tuesday night the last thing we did was get all Red and Yellow crystals... so it'll be off the East side of the Mansion. Hopefully we can avoid hunters!

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • It's Not In The Game: Collect every obnoxious video ad on your computer.
  • It's Me. But Not Me. But Still Me.: Scan your own corpse. Best not to think about it too much...
  • Open Sesame: Enter The Spire. I've got a bad feeling about this...
  • Teratomo Defeated: Teratomo is no mo'. Now go take a shower. You smell bad. Very bad.
  • Teratomo? Teratomo!: Re-emerged onto AR-Y 26 after killing Teratomo. Back to work, I suppose!

For the raid we went over to ZoneSama where Cecilia Littlewing was hosting some retro TV watching featuring Bravestar and Jem & The Holograms!

Knocked out a WWE related commission, which turned out pretty well I think while playing into using references to the Miz & Mrs reality show.

Next story commission on the docket involves Spider-Man, and since I'm not sure about the MCU version of Liz Allen, it might be a challenge because I haven't seen those movies.

I really like the new skins for the crossover event in Overwatch. 

And on that note, good night!