Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Side Questing Is Life With The Fist Of The North Star

Good morning everyone,

Hey it's work day and I have work, woo-hoo... and I instantly regret typing that seeing the first assignment of 2022... but hell, you gotta do what you gotta do right? Right...

Anyway last night's stream of Fist of the North Star really showed how much a lot of the side stories and mini-games are, because I knew I was in the second to last chapter of the game, and I figured that the end game in some regard would be taking place in the southern part of the wastelands, away from Eden. Nope! The final chapter is going to take place in Eden, which meant I could have finished the final chapter last night... if I wasn't focused on getting so many side stories done.

That said, we did get a lot done, from finishing the entire Bounty Hunter story arc, to getting the final training session with Toki and beating him in a fight that has us rather under powered in comparison (I was at level 50, Toki is at level 75... thank goodness for all the healing items I happened to have). Also I believe I'm about 1/2 way through the Manager Ken stuff, and realize I would have to go back to the Bartender stuff to wrap up some loose ends there. Perhaps the big highlight was finding the Sega Mark III, so there is a world breaking moment of Kenshiro playing himself in Hokuto no Ken, the Fist of the North Star game which came out for that system (and later released as Black Belt in the United States)

For last night's raid we sent everyone over to LifewithStan who was playing Valheim! They stream over at!  

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Trophies

  1. Tycoon of the Century: Earn 10,000,000 IDL total.
  2. Apocalyptic Mechanic: Obtain a wide variety of buggy parts.
  3. Watchman First Class: Proof of being a true bounty hunter.
  4. High Roller of the Century: Spend 10,000,000 IDL total.
  5. Wasteland Treasure Hunter: Retrieved 1000 items out in the Wasteland.
  6. Toki? Do You Need a Moment?: Let Toki get over his mid-battle coughing fit.
  7. Purer Than the River: Defeat Toki at his strongest.
  8. Employee of the Month: Make 100,000 IDL in Merchant Ken.
  9. Gamer Archaeology: Play all hidden games found in the Wasteland.
  10. Road Rage of the Century: Drive 500km in the buggy.
  11. The Man who Charged Forward: Completed Chapter 10.

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for a duration of 31 minutes and an estimate calorie burn of524 kcal.

In an effort to expand the variety (and rotation) of shirts I wear on stream, two Twitch Tye-dye shirts have been added to the wardrobe. Always wait for the sales and promo codes for Twitch merchandise folks... never pay full price.

My off-stream Final Fantasy XIV adventures saw a long wait in a queue to take part in the Eden's Promise: Eternity raid in order to wrap up all of the Eden side quest line. For the most part I understand what was happening, with the battle's mechanics, but as usual my reaction times lead to me getting wrecked a few times. Also knocked out the next part of the Doma rebuilding so that process is steadily being made.

For tonight's stream, the plan is to split the fun with Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5, but if something changes we'll mess around with some random stuff instead.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!