Friday, July 5, 2024

Marvel's Midnight Suns and other notes

Tonight's stream started around 6:30 PM Eastern and ran till about 1 AM, taking full advantage of the holiday. We did get a lot done, in terms of actually moving the story forward and doing stuff in and around the abbey. We recruited Captain America and Storm, and saw that Bruce Banner and Scarlet Witch are fallen... so now its a question of how do we save them.

I do wish there was a 'mission list' of sorts to indicate how and when the story progresses. Not to mention having an idea of when things respawn around the abbey, because there is an achievement tied to collecting 10 of every type of plants.

Anyway, Marvel Midnight Suns will return on Saturday's stream.

Tomorrow's stream will feature J-Stars Victory Vs... and we may start early, that depends on how when I finish some writing. (More on that below)

No work because of the July 4th Holiday

Idiot using fireworks in and around my neighborhood should be arrested because it sounds as if guns are being fired 

Got a good portion of the Legend of Korra story commission written, but it's going to be a short one given the notes I was presented.

Nabbed a meal from the 45th Street Pub

Marvel's Midnight Suns Achievements

  • Speed Kills: KO'd a villain with a Quick ability.
  • Unrequited Love: Pet Ebony on 4 different days.
  • Needful Things: Used 25 combat items.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)