Tuesday, January 16, 2024

South Park: The Stick of Truth and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up South Park The Stick of Truth and did so by getting all four achievements associated with defeating Princess Kenny, the games final boss. Needless to say it was a solid run tonight, everything from start to finish, and rather efficient. Of course a second play through would be required due missing on Chinpokemon and not getting all the possible 'friends', along with costumes and weapons, but we'll consider that for down the road.

Tuesday night we're going to mess around with Skullgirls 2nd Encore, since it's been awhile since we've featured a fighting game.. 

Thursday night we'll start up South Park: The Fractured But Whole, though I'm considering waiting till Saturday for that.

For the raid we went over to intergalacticpants who was playing God of War: Ragnarok

South Park: The Stick of Truth Achievements

  • Pulling Mud: In three separate battles, you've taken a shit in your pants
  • Inside Joke: While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave
  • Two Girls, One Stick: You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise
  • Face Hoff: You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff
  • Outpatient: You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS
  • Stick Savior: You defeated Princess Kenny and recovered the Stick of Truth
  • Dog Whistle: You've farted on a dog while in gnome form 

We had work today, only got two interviews, but hey we had work and that's a good thing!

It's snowing and I'm dreading having to shovel, though I don't have to step out and I'm not expecting any deliveries.

Finished the NFL related commission and started work on a Spider-Man related commission request which is probably going to go over like a fart in church with how I'm not really feeling the combination of characters I have to use.

Anyway, time for bed!