Monday, March 20, 2023

A Full Fridge Is A Happy Fridge

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was really cool as my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances came over with some goodies for the fridge... and as someone who weighs anywhere between 235 and 240 lbs you know I like my goodies! It was great to chat with them for an extended period. I do need to remember to be careful about what I say during the streams, even in joking when it comes to food, since Friday I joked about them saving me a slice of Birthday cake... and the first thing they show me is indeed a slice of birthday cake from my aunt's birthday. (For the record its delicious)

As a lot of folks know I often end my streams by saying tighten your friendship bracelets, stay safe, have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow. The first half of that I got from Fn Dante Savage, and like many things I do on stream, I copied that from him because its such a cool line. Anyway, Frances brought me a Friendship bracelet with ta little charm that is half of a video game console controller and she has the other half. So that is awesome.

Also gave Frances my old Blue Snowball Microphone, and a few things my mom had to my Aunt (one of the Heart Shaped clocks and a couple of other items). It's the first time anything was done with some of moms things since she passed away. 

Last night's stream of Overwatch was the usual madcap nonsense, big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the all the fun. I picked up a few plays of the games as Orissa, Moira, Reinhard and Torbjourn. Other characters used included Junker Queen, Ana, Wrecking Ball, and a handful of others. Also to my shock I picked up a couple of achievements

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Conservation of Energy: Gain 350 shields with a single use of Sigma's Kinetic Grasp in Quick or Competitive Play.
  • Incomparable Pain: Block against 300 or more incoming damage and survive in a single use of Nemesis Form.

For the raid we dropped in on GGVexy while they were playing Sun Haven over on!

Tonight we're looking to Finish Agents of Mayhem, we have two story arcs to do, and then it's pretty much clean up detail on any achievements we want to try and get out of the game.

Today is going to be a rough day as the moving of furniture will be happening. Thankfully my brother Leo has a plan and I took the time to move things around so that things could be done with as little obstructions as possible. In fact I got started last night but managing to get a TV halfway towards the door... by literally flipping it end over end

Didn't get to do as much writing as I planned to yesterday, that's my own fault.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)