Friday, January 15, 2021

Today's Notes 1/15/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Let's begin with talking about last night's stream of Star Trek Online, as I've mentioned quite a bit, the lack of actual content in STO becomes very noticeable when you run out of story missions to do and are pushed into the realm of doing nothing by Task Force Operation grinding for marks for the reputation system. Because so many players have put in the time to get their ships as powerful as possible, the TFOs end up being very tedious because they end up being incredible short... and since most of them take place in space, they end up being very repetitive. So we did a couple of Red Alerts since there is an event tied to it (do one alert every day for 10 days to get a experimental ship upgrade), and also did the endeavor stuff which was to do specific tasks... and then realized there are some 'story quests' I did not do because they were 'tutorials' so that lead to me wandering around Q'onos and discovering some NPCs ended up getting voice lines... and also finding the old Empire Defense areas, which were basically hunting grounds, taking on task forces of enemy vessels. It made me remember the old Exploration areas the Federation had which were just turned into Duty Officer Assignment hubs, but if they were brought back it would give players more things to do than just grind endlessly for marks.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session felt very light as the combination of the four exercises selected by the game only resulted in a combination of 919 movements (880 of which were punches). The reason for the total difference is one exercises involved sway backs, which counts as more of a movement and not a punch. Anyway we did get the Super Lightweight Puncher Lv. 1 Achievement today, which was to reach a total punch count of 48,000 HITs.

Twitch was 'kind' enough to send out a recap of 2020, where I broadcasted 1,728 hours, picked up 185 followers, PandasSweet redeemed the most channel points, CurseLit was the most used emote, and my top three 'categories' were Twitch Sings, Overwatch and Star Trek Online, to the shock of no one because those three had days of the week dedicated to them! If anything this was a real kick in the teeth regarding Twitch Sings because since it got purged, the graphic which I'm including in this blog doesn't have Twitch Sings' box art. What is funny is that because I had to change my weekday stream start times to 9:30 PM EST, it meant I actually lost viewership totals from 2019, because people who would watch in the 7 & 8 PM Hours never came around to watch in the adjusted time slot. Ah well... hopefully we can regain that momentum.

My set of 2 CAT-8 Ethernet Cables arrived today, and if the specs I read in comparing them to other versions, these should help stabilize connections even more in terms of data transfer rates from my PC / Xbox One to and from my modem. Not complete sure what I'll be doing for tonigh's stream but you know I'll be up to something. We'll get the stream started at about 9:30 PM EST because I do have work this evening. Here's hoping people realize that when someone is wanting to interview them on local issues that traitorous piece of shit Donald Trump is not involved.

Anyway, see ya later over on!