Saturday, March 13, 2021

Today's Notes

Good afternoon everyone,

Well we had Comcast come out... again... as the degradation of my service basically forced it, and lead to me filing a complaint with the FCC. Now there was a reported outage in the area today, but because my service didn't go down fully, I was able to keep my appointment, and quite frankly I wasn't going to let them talk me out of it. The tech came and found issues with the line running to the modem, combine with two old drop lines that were still attached to the tap on the telephone pole (one was the original line to the house from when my father lived here, the second was from when I had issues in 2007-08.), and also for whatever reason the main cable line was secured to the electrical line, which can direct interference.

I will say this about Comcast techs, when they have came out here, they were on the ball, they didn't try to bullshit me in anyway. They understood what I was trying to convey, and they each found issues wrong that they went to address. Hell the guy who came here today actually explained different details about how Comcast uses a closed system and there should be no frequency issues but that an drop line still attached to the tap but not to the house could be cause a number of issues if someone used a ham-radio. Hell he even said I could improve the stability of my connecting by dropping the cable boxes which run off the main line.

That said I did reach out to Verizon to get a price quote on what they charge on a month to month basis, and it seems, cost wise that would be the way to go. 

Now of course we didn't have a stream last night because of the issues that popped up on Thursday night that carried over to Friday. I did do some off-stream gaming of Overwatch and teamed up with PandaSweet getting the wins needed for the Roadhog Paichimari skin. So while that was the plan for Sunday night, getting done last night helped take my mind off of the issues. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining the fun as we ran a series of Mayhem matches.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was short, because of all the other hassles I had to deal with. IT was a really quick 22 minute workout, and the shorter the session the toughter it is for me to get into a good rhythm. Still we got the work in!

Tonight's stream, if all goes well, will features the wrap up of Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward, as I have three character endings (Luna, Quark and Phi's, which is the true ending) to get plus one bad ending to get. Depending on how long that takes, we may end up doing something extra, but I'm not completely sure.

And on that note we'll see you later (hopefully) over on!