Thursday, November 5, 2020

Today's Notes 11/5/2020

Good morning everyone (or afternoon)

Didn't get up till 10 AM because of course I was up again looking for poll number updates while hoping Trump takes a long walk off the White House roof... and let me say this, if you're someone who is saying 'stop the count', do the world a favor and just leave it, we don't need idiots like you on this planet. You're the problem, so the only solution is for you not to be here, simple as that.

Anyway, we got today off started with Fitness Boxing as usual, getting in a 50+ minute workout that was focused fully on strength and cardio. Really had some problems with my left knee, hope I didn't hurt myself, but it only bothers me when I'm throwing punches from the right side. Which is just... weird. Overall the workout was pretty good as despite the issues with my left knee I kept up a good tempo.


Last night we played and finished Full Throttle: Remastered, and fucking hell was the music in that game awesome, totally sets the tone and everything. Really wished I played it back in 1995 when it first came out, because it easily could've been one of my favorite games of all time. Puzzles were pretty straight forward and the bike combat, is surprisingly fun.

Tonight's stream over on will be focused on Star Trek Online as we'll be starting the Gamma Quadrant story arc for my Cardassian in the Klingon Empire. Probably will go through three epiosdes and then do a Task Force Opperation. There are of course patch notes, as Thursdays are also update days for Star Trek Online.


  • Resolved an issue that was preventing teammates from receiving Episode rewards.  
  • Resolved an issue where claiming all the pieces of the Iconian Resistance Ground Set would reward the incorrect Title. 
    •  Players that have already done this and received the incorrect Title will find a new Reputation Project in the Iconian Resistance Rep that they can use to claim the correct Title. 
  • Resolved an error in the description on Solar Gateway that indicated it dealt Antiproton damage. 

Known Issue: 

Titles rewarded by Iconian Reputation 3-Piece Ground Set completion and Iconian Reputation T5 completion are identical.

As we see, nothing major, and certainly nothing that impacts anything that I normally do with in Star Trek Online.

Apparently my SR-2 hat that I ordered from Bioware has already shipped, but my hoodie and the comics collection has not, because technically the hoodie was a pre-ordered and their policy is not to ship an order that has a pre-purchased item until its available. 

Deepest condolences to long time friend Felkimchi, their brother passed away yesterday.

And on that note, we'll see everyone later. Have a great day (unless you're a Trump supporter)