Monday, March 21, 2022

An Improvement In Stream Quality

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch certainly was interesting, I got in quite a few matches as more than just and Moira, played as Zenyatta, Brigitte, Tracer, Junkrat, Sombra, Torbjorn, Mei. Picked up one play of the game as which was a quad kill... and I thought i had it clipped, but nope. At least I got a good triple kill with later in the stream which we did manage to clip.  Big thanks as always to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun.

Now I do want to talk about the new Overwatch League skin for Sombra, and this was something PandaSweet made me realize, is that it looks as if it should be a Symmetra, as the overall esthetic of it seems more in line with her than it does for Sombra. Still it does look really good regardless.

Now let's talk about the 'improvement in stream quality', if the clips from last night are any indication the higher upload speed from Xfinity has lead to a clearer picture for those watching when I play PC games. See I was streaming at an Video Bit Rate upload of 2800 before, I have increased that to about 4000, and it has lead to a clearer picture. 

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Triple Kill! Boo-Yah!
  2. Just another Squish! 
  3. Taking out the Widowmaker and then getting a nice Rip-Tire

We did not do a raid last night, instead we just hosted Maximillian_Dood who was playing Elden Ring over at!

That said, we did get a raid last night from BeastMan8890 who was also playing Overwatch over on!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 featured the following exercises were Beginner Combo #1, Hook Combo #2 and Front-Back Step Combo.During the Free Training portion, I set a new personal best with Double Combo #2 on No Mercy difficulty. Now way I figure if I continue to do close to 60 minute workouts on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays with 30-40 minute workouts Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays, I might have Evan's Contender and Champion EX achievements fully knocked out by maybe around mid April.

Put in more achievement grinding in WWE 2K15 last night to ensure the Xbox daily achievement streak continued to today... in case what we're going to play doesn't result in anything achievements. Oddly enough, less than 3% of Xbox players accomplished the NXT Takeover achievement... that is just odd to me considering how 'hated' Cena was by so man people back in 2014 that they make it an actual achievement.

WWE 2K15 Achievements

  • NXT Takeover: Defeat John Cena using one of the NXT Superstars.
  • Unknown veteran: Win 10 times using a custom Superstar.

For tonight's stream we're going to play Contrast, which is a Puzzle Platformer. I have played the Steam version several years ago.. and I don't think I ever played it on stream. Regardless ,we're going to use the Xbox One version for achievement purposes! If we finish the game early, we'll probably play some Gears 5 or Forza Horizon 4 as well. we'll see.

So on that note we'll see you over on!