Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Collectors Have Been Stopped

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream put the period of the end of Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition, as we stopped the Collectors in dubious fashion (where Shepard didn't get the last shot on the Human-Reaper, leaving me to wonder who did get it.... Miranda or Thane). We got in some last minute chuckles of course, with EDI's "I enjoy the sight of seeing humans on their knees" lines, as well as making damn sure peace can be made between the Quarians and the Geth, and basically tackled all the important stuff such as Thane and Shepard's night together, making sure everyone's head was on straight and so forth. Now this wasn't a flawless night as I got wrecked on the mission to get the IFF, as well as during Legion's Loyalty mission and I miss timed Joker's run through the Normandy, resulting in 2 critical mission failures. Also I did the assault on the Collector's base a little differently, sending Tali through the Vent and using Jack for the Biotic field, because I heard they had had unique dialog in Mass Effect 3 because of this.

So of course finishing the game meant we got achievements which I'll list next

  1. Friend or Foe: ME2: Obtain geth technology
  2. A House Divided: ME2: Hack a geth collective
  3. Paramour II: Establish or rekindle a romantic relationship in two games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  4. Suicide Mission: ME2: Use the Omega 4 Relay
  5. Against All Odds: ME2: Survive suicide mission
  6. Mission Accomplished: ME2: Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation
  7. No One Left Behind: ME2: Keep your team alive through the suicide mission

Here's the best part, because I was so thorough with doing everything, we've unlocked every possible achievement for the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 2 with the exception of beating the game start to finish on Insanity Difficulty. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Anyway, here are some clips from last night.

Twitch Clip: Critical Mission Failure: Whoops!

Twitch Clip: Shepard Tells Tali and Legion The Choices They Have

Twitch Clip: EDI Like The Sight Of Humans On Their Knees

Twitch Clip: Shepard and Thane

Twitch Clip: Make Him A Big Glowing Target!

We've officially added Spider-Man 2 Enter Electro for the PlayStation 1 and Sakura Wars for the PlayStation 4 to my collection yesterday. And big shoutout to DaemonsW0lf for hooking me up with a Yeti X microphone, which is a major upgrade of the Blue Snowball I've been using.

Following last night's stream I jumped into some online matches with Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown and Street Fighter V... and I can safely say, that I believe the match making system for Virtua Fighter 5 is better than Street Fighter V, on the simple ground it is matching me against people of my apparent skill level. Since there are no trophies tied to wins, just ones for matches played, it makes the grind of playing online matches a lot more bearable. I can safely say that every match in Virtua Fighter 5 was pretty close, while with Street FIghter V it was often very one sided. That said, we did get some trophies out of Virtua Fighter 5. 

  1. Do you hear me!? I'm the best that's ever been!: Send a stamp. The heart of Pro-Wrestling is to entertain others, so you're now a pro wrestler too!
  2. Here I come!: Play 1 Room Match. A ninja conceals oneself... A ninja does not prefer... crowds.

No trophies were earned for Street Fighter V last night since that's even more a grind to get victories.

I did watch the Nintendo Direct for E3, and yeah it goes without saving, Nintendo stole the show. Between Metroid Dread, Breath of the Wild 2 the ultimate compilation of previous Mario Party games in a big release, plus remakes / remasters of classic games that I have zero in certainly showed that Nintendo was focused on giving players what they want. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 sessions went 31 minutes and had an estimated calorie burn of 577 kcal. We're up to 58 out of 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement. As always we keep it steady and consistent.

Tonight's stream will of be the continuation of Tom Clancy's The Division, and we'll do a lot more roaming around looking for gear before Iceman joins us to chase down the collectables and do the two main missions we have left in the area were were covering last week.

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!