Monday, October 11, 2021

Just Another Fun Night of Overwatch And A Bonus Stream Of Fitness Boxing 2

Good morning everyone,

A new week starts as we have all sorts of things to consider over the coming days of what to feature and when!

Last night we of course played Overwatch, and big thanks as always to PandaSweet for joining in on several matches. We got into a hot stretch where we went 8 and 2 in our final 10 matches of the night. The night did include a couple of Mayhem matches as well, and I picked up 5 Plays of the Game, 4 as and 1 as Junkrat. So a real successful night on Overwatch! Woo-Hoo!

Of course the big Overwatch news is that the Halloween Terror event starts on Tuesday October 12 and will run until November 2, and so far we know that Reinhardt and Roadhog will have new skins. The question now becomes, who else will have new attire? And what new 'achievements' will be tied to Junkenstein's Revenge this year.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to glorifiedthief who was playing Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors over at!  

Twitch Clip Links

Off-stream Final Fantasy XIV stuff is that I'm gradually making progress through the main story, but the placement of NPCs can be really odd. I get and appreciate Square Enix wanting to make it feel like a living world so that you don't find certain characters in the same spot when on a quest... but a way point finder would be useful when NPCs are in a building that is underneath where the map is indicating where they should be standing! That said the off-stream adventures  saw a familiar sight, at least when compared to Final Fantasy XV: Fighting Ifrit and getting a Chocobo, also joined the Twin Adder because well... I started in Gridania.

The guy who commissioned the two fics I've done last week basked around RWBY and Harry Potter is wanting more, hell he sent a list of stuff for me to consider taking on, but if there is one thing people know about me when it comes to fan fic writing its that I'm not really keen on repeated use of the same themes and characters unless it's something I'm really invested in.

There's been a lot pointed out at how the WWE's Women Division has seen a down turn as of late, and it all goes back to the a lot of the decisions of who was let go back in the spring of this year. The WWE would rather turn the Women's Division back into the bathroom break filler matches it was of the LayCool/Divas Title era than for the women to get equal time for their stories and characters to developer. 

Star Trek Online is kicking off it's Halloween event on Wednesday so for sure we're going to feature that to start of that night's stream, and The Simpsons game will resume on Friday night to finish it's second half.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with the following exercise Intermediate Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Weaving Combo #1 with the estimated calorie burn of 503.kcal. We also did an extra set featuring Difficult Challenge Combo #1 which added 103 kcal. Total session was 37 minutes with the estimated calorie burn being 606 kcal. This session was also streamed as a surprise as I tried use the Xsplit Cam set up.

Since this session was streamed the fun was set over to Sw33ts_gaming who was playing Smite this morning over at!

Bonus Twitch Clip Links

Tonight's stream will see focus return to The Walking Dead with Season Two, which takes place a couple of years after the events of Season One, so Clementine is a bit older and is the star of the show. This will be a lot of fun!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!