Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Today's Notes 12/30/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of The Division 2, which was focused on the latest manhunt this time going after a dude name Kestrel, and of course playing the Division 2 meant we were teaming with Iceman7667, The FnDanteSavage and PowerThumbz. We certainly had a blast going through everything involved, and certainly there was a lot of hilarity going on. But one moment stands out, because towards the end of the stream, Thumbz was talking about getting a set of gear and why he would want it... and well this happened:

Safe to say the set up was totally perfect, and it is not often when I straight up lose it like that in terms of just laughing out right. But come on! Also, this serves as another reminder over how much of a pain in the ass it is to embed anything from twitch.

Also I forgot to get a screenshot of anything from last night's stream, but oh well, is what it is right?

For today's Fitness Boxing 2 session, blocking combos were added, and I think a big change for this was it goes from right to left (orthodox, flip for southpaw) as opposed to the first game which goes left to right (again orthodox, its flipped for southpaw) which made it feel smoother. That's not saying everything i did was perfect, because of the amount of overall misses (and doing things just okay) my fitness age was up at 24.  Also of note, today was the first session in a while where no lower body stretches was done, since there was no ducking, weaving to step motions to work with, and it felt strange not to do the stretches associated with the lower body. 

Tonight we'll be doing a Star Trek Online stream, and we'll more than likely start fairly early as opposed to 9:30 PM EST, since we'll probably tackle either the entire Lost Dominion or Cold War story arcs. Considering both sets of 5-miission story require some serious retooling, it's a good thing I did a rant on the topic of the developers of STO being complete idiots in terms of level gating or removing content important to the overall story of the game.

In other news Mitch McConnell once again said 'fuck you' to the American people, that's the the shock of no one. But it is funny that he's hurting people who voted him into office, folks from the rural parts of Kentucky that are struggling out right. I do remember one person I interviewed for my day gig said they they are voting for McConnell but they they want him to retire on his own terms. Well that stupid mindset is certainly fucking over people across the country. And don't get me started on Chuck Schumer and his attempt to undercut adult performers on the internet (some of which I happen to know because of other connections). That said it is nice to be looking forward with Trump increasing in the distance of the rear view mirror.

And on that note, we'll see you later over on