Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So Tonight's stream was really weird as we did the entire run of Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage thanks in large part to a lot of folks jumping in at random. Now I did say I would considered not having it open for randoms to join in, but I went with it anyway. 

Of course things were made super easy when people who sunk hundreds of hours into the game joined in and it became a case of trying to keep up. Which also meant I didn't get to experience how some of the boss battles were supposed to go. But we take the good with the bad.

We finished the night at Level 32, and I believe all the DLC content enemies cap at level 30, so we should have an increasingly easier time at things go forward.

Tomorrow night we will continue Borderlands 2 and probably set my sights on the Hammerlock content which was the 3rd DLC expansion. Of course I could just go ahead and finish the game, but we're taking out time on games these days.

For the raid we dropped in on YourStarling who was doing a music stream. We use to do duets with them way back in the era of Twitch Sings

Work was solid this evening with a slighting longer survey, as well as a very confusing understanding of how Primaries work in Missouri.

Started on the next commission story which is WWE related. Would have had a lot more done... but I kind of didn't feel all there today and just rested.

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Explosive: Completed the mission "Long Way To The Top"