Tuesday, December 28, 2021

There is a lot to do in Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

Good morning everybody,

You ever look at a game and think, boy things are progressing rather quickly, and wonder where all the content is?

Well that is basically where my head is at with Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise. After knocking out four of the game's eleven chapter in the first night two weeks ago, I finally see where that majority of time of this game would take place for true die-hard players. It's the side content... substories and mini games. 

Now since I have no clue of how deep the lore for Fist of the North Star is, the added sub-stories go out of their way to basically have Kenshiro being deeply involved with the city of Eden, keeping the streets safe, helping out of as Bartender and Club Manager, fighting in the Coliseum and so fourth. This is what is expected to eat up the majority of player's time... and this is where the game becomes daunting, and wondering what I should focus on.

There is also the issue of keeping track of everything, while the main quest destinations are always marked, the in ability to access a map to give an over-head perspective of things. Since sub-stories would have me running all over the place, getting lost seems to be par for the course.

Also discovered an issue with the Bartending mini-games, since I use a wired controller, the cocktail shaker doesn't register the movements one must make to complete it. That is a rather unfortunate little detail. Now this is where folks would say 'why am I using a wired controller', and that's because the PS4 battery life is fucking week in comparison to an X-Box controller.

Following the stream, we sent the fun over to Sw33ts_Gaming who was playing Paladins. You can find their channel over at twitch.tv/sw33ts_gaming!

 Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Trophies

  1. The Successor Grows: Unlock 50 abilities.
  2. The Man who Overcame: Completed Chapter 5.

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Beginner Combo #2, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes and a calorie burn of 472 kcal.

Went after various achievements in several different games last night in Gears 5, Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War 4 and WWE 2K Battlegrounds. This was all part of the 12 Days of Christmas challenge that was featured over on www.trueachievements.com. The challenge was to get 1 achievement from different games that had online play.

Gears 5 Achievements

  1. Last Rites: Won a Versus match on Ritual

Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Achievements

  1. Adventurer: Played a match to completion in all multiplayer modes.
  2. Narcissistic: New character purchased.

Rise of the Tomb Raider Achievements

  1. Quiet Time: Find the best seat in the house

Gears of War 4 Achievements

  1. Rollin' With the Homies: Earned the maximum Consecutive Match Bonus in Versus
  2. I'm On Fire!: You've proved you're a true Grub Killer with a positive KD ratio.
  3. Sorry, That's Never Happened To Me Before: You were in and out of a round of Versus real fast. Inspired by Tuhin94

WWE 2K Battlegrounds Achievements

  1. Nothing personal: Performed 20 taunts

As I started to make some progress in the 5.2 content of Final Fantasy XIV, I came across the Sorrow of Werlyt story arc, which will see me facing the adopted children of Gaius van Baelsar. The first of the trails associated with it, Cinder Drift, was certainly a learning experience, as it's two forms that needed to be dealt with. I kind of jumped the gun when defeating the first form, using the Limit Break, without knowing there was a second form. So the discovery of this story quest takes priority over the Main Story... which means by the time I get to the Endwalker content, I won't have to indicate there are spoilers with the screenshots!.

For tonight's stream, we shall continue Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)