Saturday, August 17, 2024

Grandia HD Collection and other notes

Tonight we covered a lot of ground, getting the Horn of Knowledge, unlocked Feena's Icarian Magic, added Guido to the Party, said good-bye to Milda and threw down with Baal all  over the course of 5 hours. At this point it's straight to Alent and the final stages of the game, but there is the concern over Rapp's magic, as he doesn't quite connect with Snooze the way Sue, Justin or Feena does. Still between Justin and Feena nothing is going to stand in my way based on how much of their spells I have Maxed out.

Grandia will return on Monday's stream!

Tomorrow night's stream: Overwatch 2

Raid:  moonlitsoju
Playing: NEO: The World Ends With You

Brother came by for his birthday present, glad he liked it! And he got me a cheese-steak, so call it a trade! 

Started work on my first ever Fire Emblem related commission, took me a while to figure out how exactly I would started it with what little knowledge I have

Going to record two episode of the Daria Reactions to get started on Season 3 for next week

Grandia HD Collection Achievements

  • Brilliant!: Acquire the Horn of Knowledge.
  • Going Down: Escape the Grandeur and General Baal.

God Eater: Resurrection and other notes

Tonight we did a bunch of free missions in God Eater and I really like using the Scythe as a slashing weapon, it's slow but it has a big arc, also experimented with using different crushing and piercing weapons, which do seem have perks depending on enemy types. I'm real curious about the story and the implied conspiracy theory.

God Eater Resurrection will return next Friday night

Tomorrow's Stream: Grandia

'Tonight's Raid: misscammi316
Playing: Fortnite

Work was solid despite some technical issues

Nearly finished the NFL story, going to finish it before bed.

I know I have to record two episodes for the Daria Reactions this week I'll probably record them back to back as we start season three

God Eater: Resurrection Trophies

  • Destroyer: Break 100 bonds.
  • Jackpot: Discover a rare Abandoned God Arc.

Highlight: Phasmophobia (Episode 7)