Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw us wrap up everything on Ferros, keeping all the colonists alive in addition to 'borrowing' the Normandy. Did discover there were a couple of side missions we haven't done, so instead of finishing the game outright we'll be able to extended it for one more stream, which will be tomorrows, as we have the Listen Post trio of missions to do before heading to Illos for the final leg.

Also got the Liara's achievement for using her for the majority of the game, so I'm not locked in to using her for the final missions, because as a Biotic, the best duo to bring along will be Tali and Ashley in order to balance things out.

So yes, we're finishing Mass Effect tomorrow, making it the first game we've finished twice in the same calendar year in quite some time!

I've also increased the color saturation on OBS so that colors of the games I play pop a bit more. Realized that when I was adjusting some settings on the new TV. 

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing South Park: The Stick of Truth

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Asari Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the asari squad member

 Work was okay, a lot of dead air tonight which made things drag.

I'm rethinking my Funk display at the moment, as I think I might use a couple of crates and work plant I have to really make it look neat.

Didn't finish the Spider-Man commission story I had on tap for today, in part because I needed to double check some details about the character of Gloria Davila to make sure I was portraying her correctly. So I'll be working on that before I go to bed!

Good night folks!