Friday, January 14, 2022

I Swear The Stream Was 90% Cut Scenes!

Good morning everyone,

One thing I 'love' about my job is when parameters change for a project and I'm not told until after I see the changes for myself and then question it. That said I did get the USB headset that will be needed at the end of the month... and for those wondering why don't I just use my streaming headset and microphone for work... it's because last time I did, it fucked up a lot of settings.

Anyway last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV certainly was cut scene heavy as we did every single quest in the 5.4 content that is titled Futures Rewritten. Now I fully understand that a good part of it was to see the Scions getting back into the swing of things, but damn it, there was so many cut scenes, both voice and text only it wasn't even funny. This does raise a question when it comes to new players to FFXIV, remember I only started playing it in October of last year, but let me point out that there are some very large stretches where there are very large stretches at times where it's just cut scenes of some variation. 

Believe me I understand as to why, that the creative team behind FFXIV puts a lot of thought and care into every little thing they do, however because the NPC dialog boxes tend to be on the small side, it does make reading it a pain the in the ass as I end up looking at the bottom 1/5 of the screen and thus end up missing some animation that is happening with the character models.

Still we did see some closure as it relates the Ga Bu being brought back to his senses thanks to things Alisaie learned in the World of the First, which leads to major progression overall for the nation of Limsa Lominsa. Then there was even more set up for Endwalker with towers appearing every where, and the threat that the latest Ascian wants to die and take the entire world down with him.

Beyond that, I did unlock the Sage and Dancer classes during the stream, and stumbled across a level 60 dungeon that some how I missed, so nice progress in that regard. Because of what's next with the the 5.5 and 5.6 content for FFXIV being on the shorter side, I might knock those out off-stream, or at the very least one of them,s so we're nearly caught up story wise to every one else!

Big thanks to the Hawleigh for the raid! Last night they were playing Horizon Zero Dawn over at

For the raid, we dropped in on ChunTaiLi who was playing Genshin Impact over at

Twitch Clip Links

  1. A Moment With The Bunny 
  2. Put The Piggy Down... NOW! 
  3. He was once a man... then he took a bullet to the knee 
  4. Successful defense of Alisaie 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner Combo #1, Front-Back Step Combo and Hook Combo #2 for a duration of 28 minutes with a calorie burn of about 439 kcal

As you may have noticed, I switched using the bullet points and the numbered list, I think it looks better by having the numbers with the clips, just to give an indication they are listed in the order they happened.

Messed around with the Capcom Arcade Stadium last night... forgot how boring Warriors of Fate gets in its later stages with the over use of some enemy types.

Picked up a Ghostbusters logo t-shirt, because come on, as a Ghosthead it's just weird not having one! 

Am happy to say between the last two commissioned stories I wrote and the timely nature of my birthday being in late December and earning enough through subs and bits to break the threshold, I'm able to stay ahead of some obligations. Thanks everyone

For tonight's stream we'll be resuming Kingdom Hearts III, and it'll be a mostly casual playthrough!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!