Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Today's Notes 12/9/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream, which ended up being a triple-coop stream with FnDanteSavage ( and PowerThumbz ( as we along with Iceman7667 had a blast doing manhunt things in The Division 2, the highlight video below only shows a small sample of the things we did as it was a barrel of laughs. This was so much fun we'll do it again on Thursday night, which means Star Trek Online will be moved up to tonight! 


So with Star Trek Online on the agenda for tonight, I did notice there was a patch update, which means there are notes to share here. Tuesday patch updates rarely happen with STO, and it's normally for large expansions or a lot of new content, but this seems more in-line of the Winter Event that is taking place, which is a big strange. Anyway, here are the patch notes

Star Trek Online Patch Notes 12/8/20

Winter Event:  

  • Q has returned to begin this year’s Winter Event!  
  • Compete and participate in Winter Events to earn Winter Prize vouchers that can be used to redeem the all new Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier [T6]! 
  • This year’s festivities will be integrated into our recently released Event Interface, as part of your Mission Journal. 
  • Daily Progress toward earning your new starship can be obtained by participating in any of the following activities: 
    • Fastest Game on Ice 
    • Klingon Ice Fishing 
    • Tides of Ice 
    • The Fast and the Flurrious 
    • Cones of Conduct 
    • The Kramp’Ihri 
  • Go to the Winter Vendor and check out this year’s new items! 
    • Purple Nanopulse Discovery-Era Bat'leth. 
    • Brand New Rainbow Sweaters. 
    • Brand New Grethor-Themed Bridge Officer Training Manuals and Kit Modules. 
    • Q's Chair Consumable Item. 
    • Rescue St. Bernard Pet. 
  • For more information, please visit our Winter Event blogs at: 


  • The minimum FoV players can set has been decreased to 35, from 50. 
  • The “Ready Ship” and “Switch Ship” button is now visible while selecting any Ship or Shuttle while in Space.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Ba'ul Weapon Bounce Passive was improperly triggering certain effects as though it were not a Passive, such as with Kemocite Laced Weapons.


Did pop into Animal Crossing New Horizons before I started writing this post, and safe to say Ozzie had a weird as hell line to say to me when I dropped by his house as indicated in the screen shot. Ozzie is a bit weird... just a bit LOL.That said, Biff will be moving off my island, as his personality is way to similar to Antonio's in my opinion.

This morning's Fitness Boxing session was pretty solid, did have a few odd misses that I highly question the validity of. I mean come on, if have a series of motions where everything is perfect, then suddenly a few misses through no fault of my own? It's enough as always to make me go 'Dude really?'. Still it will be interesting to see if I can break the 200,000 punches thrown barrier before my copy of Fitness Boxing 2 arrives. 

Wrapped up listening to Doctor Who: The Fearmonger early this morning, which sees the Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and Ace (Sophie Aldred) looking to stop a creature that is stoking the fears of the masses to feed on, which of course causes chaos and mayhem during a time when a politician is running for office on a platform based on some rather.... unique positions. In many ways, The Fearmonger story basically can be used as a parallel to the political rise of Donald Trump, with how he makes so much noise to distract from the real issue at hand, setting up counter-protests to cause violence and such that it makes you wonder if The Fearmonger creature in the story is an actual thing. The funny thing, Fearmongers do exists, we just know them as the talking heads like Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

So on that bombshell we'll see you later tonight over on!