Friday, November 13, 2020

Yukes Working On AEW's Video Game Could Be A Disaster

This week a lot of people expressed excitement over the announcement of AEW working out a deal with Yukes to developer their video game.... but that could be a disaster in my opinion. 



Today's Notes 11/13/20

Good Afternoon Everyone...

Last night's Star Trek Online stream actually went only three hours, mainly because the two missions 'Doomed to Repeat' and 'Quark's Lucky Seven' are very.... very dialog heavy. If you let everything play out, they each take an hour to do. Add onto this the fact I had to retrain my Cardassian Captain again because of yet more changes made by the developers as indicated in the patch notes I included in yesterdays post, and we did two task force operations as well... it made for a full stream.

The positive side of this is that we passed the fun along to DaemonsW0lf ( who you know has done about 99% of the artwork seen on my channel and merchandise. She was playing a fascinating visual novel puzzle game called "Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors" which seems like it falls right in my wheelhouse because remember last December I went through all three games of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. 

Today's Fitness Boxing session was pretty solid, as I stuck with Strength & Cardio at 35 minuets once again. I continue to hate left-right step movements but hey kept all score above 90 which is good!

I'm not totally sure what will be on tonight's stream agenda over on  it could be a night of variety just bouncing from game to game. Could try a bunch of NES / SNES games through my Switch just to see how well I do with them. Who knows!

Anyway, we'll see ya later regardless, hope you have a great day!