Friday, September 2, 2022

So We Did The New Pandemonium Raids

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was 99% problem free with one weird bit causing a full break of the stream at 11:27 PM. There wasn't even an attempt by Twitch to hold the stream in place to avoid being split, which was just weird. Of course following the stream I did experience a hot minute of 25% to 75% packet loss at about 12:30 AM. Which is funny since I got yesterday afternoon from Xfinity saying the tech teams found a few issues leading to signal drops that the believe was resolved. We'll see how that lay out.

Anyway, lets talk about the new Pandaemonium raid... I found the 5th Circle and 8th Circle ones to be quite enjoyable, and straight forward. I didn't die much, and when I did, I felt it was a fair death because of how slow my reactions can be to AOEs and my struggles with noticing tells by the boss. Honestly, I do love it when things make sense without having to look up a damn guide to prepare for what I'm having to deal with.

However, I don't have many nice things to say about 6th Circle and 7th circle, as i found them to be extremely gimmicky. 7th Circle with the disappearing floor is just complete bullshit with knock off mechanics, big AOEs and not much room to maneuver.

I did try my first Savage Raid last night... and while I enjoy seeing Kalenal ( play them, I found having the big indicators on the screen to indicate where to stand where to go really add to my problems of being able to notice AOEs, Buffs / Debuffs and attack tells. Still had fun with it.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to the chat for kicking in 100 bits during the stream.!

Also thank you to Redneck_23 for resubscribing to the channel for the 20th month!

Shout out to Coleyrado for the raid following their stream over on

Welcome to Pan_Fryer who followed during last night's stream!

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing The Evil Within over at!   

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Hip Shape Focus Combo and Intermediate Combo #2 for 28 minutes.

Work yesterday was alright, we bounced from assignment to assignment, but I felt productive to some degree. 

Had a power outage hit at around 2 AM... notably because I was trying to make a little progress in Fallout 76 off-stream, and I got a few things done in the Recruitment Blues story arc... which seems to involve a lot of hoops to jump through, since the world of Fallout often involves trying to fulfill requirements of a dead society.

What did Sushi A say to Sushi B? "Wasa-B!"

You know why they called it "the dark ages?" There were too many knights.

Song of the Day: Wild World by Cat Stevens

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

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For tonight's stream our focus will be on Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] with the goal being focused on clearing the final arcade runs for the remaining characters.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!