Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Killer Instinct, Story Writing and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Second day in a row work was cancelled, but I did got to ask a question regarding the how the current political climate in the United States may have actually negatively effect the world of Market Research. I suspect Donald Trump has made it virtually impossible for any traditional questions to be asked regarding how people feel about various public figures, and I know some agencies who favor conservatives are afraid of pissing him off.

Still have been applying for everything I can come across, hopefully something will pan out.

Anyway, because of no work, we started the st ream early at 6:30 PM Eastern and rolled with Killer Instinct tonight, learning the basics of how to play and seeing what the game has to offer. I saw there was a story mode that means it would be worth checking out the lore of the game, but the Shadow Lords and its micro-transactions based system certainly raised an eyebrow. Surprised there was no traditional arcade ladder though.

That meant I ended up playing a lot of matches against other players, and something that became real apparent is that Killer Instinct has an awful match making system, throwing low tier new comers against top ranked players with no actual rhyme of reason. Yes Killer Instinct is something like 10 years old, so the pool of players is going to be modestly small, but I certainly could tell the world of difference between me losing a close fight against another player with the same skill level as myself, and getting my faced stomped in.

Was shocked at how many achievements there are in Killer Instinct as well, so in terms of just 'grinding things out', the game certainly has replay value to anyone willing to try and go through the torture of it. Seeing as how there's a big update coming to improve various aspects of the game, I suspect there will be a spark of player interest in it once again.

 Killer Instinct Achievements

  • Enemy of My Enemy: You recruited an agent of UltraTech to your Shadow Lords team!
  • Stylish Gargos: You have unlocked a color for Gargos!
  • Friendly Rash: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Rash!
  • Friendly Kim Wu: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Kim Wu!
  • Stylish Kim Wu: You have unlocked a color for Kim Wu!
  • Friendly Cinder: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Cinder!
  • Criminal Flair: You hit your opponent 5 times with Special Attacks while in Cinder's Instinct Mode!
  • Stylish Cinder: You have unlocked a color for Cinder!
  • Ready to Body: You've played all 10 Qualifying Matches!
  • Demonic Annihilation: You completed a combo that dealt 85% or more damage in any mode as Omen!
  • Competitive Fulgore: You have won a ranked match as Fulgore!
  • Friendly Spinal: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Spinal!
  • Supreme Spinal: You have earned a Supreme Victory in an online match as Spinal!
  • Competitive Spinal: You have won a ranked match as Spinal!
  • Triple Trials!: You have completed 3 trials!
  • White Belt: You have completed 5 Dojo lessons
  • Survival Orchid: You have won a survival match as Orchid!
  • Orchid's Jaguar: You hit an opponent with a Jaguar while in Instinct Mode with Orchid
  • Stylish Orchid: You have unlocked a color for Orchid!
  • Friendly Sabrewulf: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Sabrewulf!
  • Stylish Sabrewulf: You have unlocked a color for Sabrewulf!
  • Friendly Thunder: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Thunder!
  • Stylish Jago: You have unlocked a color for Jago!
  • Sabrewulf's Claws: You Have performed 10 points of chip damage while in Instinct Mode with Sabrewulf
  • Competitive Sabrewulf: You have won a ranked match as Sabrewulf!
  • Friendly Jago: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Jago!
  • Competitive Jago: You have won a ranked match as Jago!
  • Competitive Glacius: You have won a ranked match as Glacius!
  • Thunder's Spirit Dash: You did a dash while in Instinct Mode with Thunder
  • Competitive Thunder: You have won a ranked match as Thunder!
  • Competitive Sadira: You have won a ranked match as Sadira!
  • General Novice: You have reached 10 General Fight Challenges!

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 during their stream of Phasmophobia over on twitch.tv/misscammi316

Knocked out two story commissions today, which when the funds come in makes up for no work today, the first story was based on AEW's The Outcasts, and the second was based on the video game Vanquish. Really wish I knew more about both to put in more details, but hey, between both stories over 6500 words were written.

Out next schedule stream over on twitch.tv/fredcasden  is for 9:30 PM eastner on Wednesday with Resident Evil 6 with Iceman. Regardless of if there is work or not, Wednesday's stream will not start early in order to make sure RE6 is properly featured. 

So on that note, have a great night everyone.