Monday, August 1, 2022

We Found The Key Issue With Xfinity

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was really hampered for a good portion by Xfinity issues, primarily because of the upstream power level spiking up to 58 on Channel Index 1. Normally the power level sits at 47... but when it spikes it totally screws with me over, Things got so bad that last night's stream was split into two parts and I actually got disconnected from enough matches in Overwatch that I nearly got penalized for leaving early.

Still, since I've reported the issue numerous times to Xfinity since late May, and after reaching out to Xfinity one last time with documented proof of the issues I forwarded a screenshot of what I saw to the FCC and going to let them deal with it the way I did last year. I'm done speaking to Xfinity on this matter.

Anyway, big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of all the matches and the fun, as well as hanging out through the many issues I had this evening. We did more than just quick play matches, as we tossed in a few Mayhem and Mystery Heroes matches as well. In terms of characters used, I used, Moira, Reinhardt, Mercy, Orissa, Winston, Mei, Wrecking Ball, Lucio and others. Also picked up a play of the game as Reinhardt in one of the mayhem matches.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on TracyDoll who was playing Dead by Daylight over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Block Combo and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for a duration of 34 minutes. Today we completed the requirements for the Bernardo's Champion EX Achievement. With that done we'll switch to Laura as the trainer.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  • Bernardo's Champion: Train with Bernardo for over 50 hours
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 95%
  • Laura's Champion Progress: 60% (30 of 50 hours trained)

Finished writing the commissioned fic based around Watch Dogs yesterday, and it turned out pretty decent I think, as it broke 2000 words. Problem is the client will still pay only the fixed rate they have been, but oh well. It's extra cash I wouldn't have had other wise. 

My fantasy baseball team had a solid week, and if things continue to hold up I could end up in my leagues playoffs. Of course I'm banking on Bryce Harper aand Chris Taylor to come back from injuries as soon as possible.

Nichelle Nichols who is probably only best known for playing Uhura on Star Trek the original series and in the first six films, passed away yesterday at the age of 89. Which leaves William Shatner, Walter Koenig and George Takei as the surviving members of the original cast.

What do clouds wear under their shorts? Thunderpants.

Did you hear about the guy who won the award for best knock knock joke? He won the no bell prize.

Song of the Day: Would? By Alice in Chains

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:    

The plan for tonight is to start up the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3 to pick up achievements and to wrap up the classic version of the trilogy. In fact I installed it last night, and saw the multiplayer still works for it, even though no one else was playing it and I was able to get a couple of achievements. Also got myself re-familiar with some of the controls so I can look like I'm semi decent.

Mass Effect 3 Achievements

  • Enlisted: Start a character in multiplayer or customize a character in single-player.
  • A Personal Touch: Modify a weapon.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)