Monday, August 9, 2021

Today's Notes 8/9/21: You Can't Be Serious... But I Am

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was nothing but Quick Play matches as prediction held true, there would be no Mayhem based on how the daily Arcade mode resets were working. That said we got in plenty of matches across the board as Tank and Supports for the first 3/4ths of the stream before switching to Damage only. We earned 3 Plays of the Game last night, one as Brigitte and two as Dva, and I felt I could've had more if I could've gotten some better placement with Tracer's pulse bombs.. We also earned an achievement.

  1. Strike: Through 4 Enemies withing 2 seconds as Wrecking Ball in Quick Play or Competitive Play

Here's the thing, I don't play Wrecking Ball, but because I was less than thrilled to be again paired up with new players, I said to hell with I'm going to use someone I normally don't consider using. That kind of has been a trend with me all week, because I've become very suspicious of any accounts that looks 'new', so I've responded by basically taking more of a backseat, playing off and away from the team fights. I've also taken to not leaving the spawn point until all selections are made, because I have grown a bit tired of making my choice and going to set up defense only to be the only person there.

On a side note: With the summer event ending, I changed all the skins for the characters to that of the Philadelphia Fusion. I'll probably keep them until the next event which will probably be in September.

Anyway here are the results for this week's matches. 

  1. Quick Play: - Win
  2. Quick Play: - Win - Play of the Game
  3. Quick Play: Zarya  / Reinhardt - Win - Back Fill
  4. Quick Play: Brigitte / Moira - Win
  5. Quick Play: - Loss
  6. Quick Play: Wrecking Ball - Loss
  7. Quick Play: Brigitte / Moira - Loss
  8. Quick Play: - Loss
  9. Quick Play:  Brigitte / Moria - Loss
  10. Quick Play: Wrecking Ball - Loss 
  11. Quick Play: Brigitte - Win - Play of the Game
  12. Quick Play: - Win - Play of the Game 
  13. Quick Play: Tracer / Torbjörn - Loss - Back Fill
  14. Quick Play: Mei - Loss
  15. Quick Play: Torbjörn - Loss
  16. Quick Play: Tracer - Win
  17. Quick Play: Mei / Torbjörn / Reaper - Loss
  18. Quick Play: Tracer - Loss
  19. Quick Play: McCree / Torbjörn - Loss
  20. Quick Play: Tracer  - Win

So 8 wins and 14 losses for this weeks results, ah well. of course next is the list of twitch clips for ya to check out!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 480 kcal. The exercises were Waist Shape combo, Hook Combo #1 and Block Combo! We are now up to 73 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement. 

Saw how I placed in the Dr Kawashima's Brain Training weekly championships and I was basically average... no shock there.

For tonight's stream we are getting back to Chrono Cross, picking up just after defeating the Hydra to get the cure for Kid's poisoning. We'll get started around 6:30 PM Eastern.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!