Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Junker Queen Impressions and other stuff

Good morning everyone,

The Overwatch 2 Beta did indeed launch and we had a mostly event free run of it, with once moment of Xfinity being a pain and causing issues when I went on break. There is a major issue at the moment for wait times to get to play as a tank or damage roles in Role Queue (average 10 minute and 7 minutes), which means those who like to Flex are often being shoved into Support roles, which I don't mind... still it gets old and tedious when you have people not focusing on the objective at hand. I did find the open queue to be more fun, and I won't be surprise if it ends up seeing the most amount of players with team comps similar to that of Paladins of two tanks, two damage and one support. In terms of characters used, mostly (who I managed to pick up a Play of the Game as) and Moira, but I got in some time as Mercy, Ana, Ashe, Torbjourn, Tracer and I even got to try the newest character The Junker Queen.

Junker Queen's kit certainly is for aggressive players as she has an ability that is similar to Lucio's Speed boost which provided a temporary HP boost to teammates. She also has melee ability that leaves a status effect that does some damage. Her knife throw is interesting with how it can be used to pull an enemy close so that it could combo with the ability I just mentioned. Really not sure what to make of her ultimate.

Now we did start the stream at 30 minutes earlier than normal, and much like with Overwatch on Sundays, around fours in, I switched over to Star Trek Online to run a couple of Task Force Operations... two of which involved timed mechanics that just have things drag out for the sake of dragging things out. The Risa event is returning next week, so we may take part of a stream to check that out for shits and giggles. 

Getting back to Xfinity I did not call them after the stream, but I did enable a feature on Twitch that will throw up a standby image in case something goes wrong where the internet doesn't fully go down but at least there is something to indicate to the viewers that there is a problem.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Glorifiedthief who was playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age over at!   

Yesterdays assignment for work saw me interviewing folks about an upcoming congressional election in the Pacific North West... it was a fair survey since both candidates were presented fairly.

Been steadily adding songs to my 'Liked' list on Spotify... even as I try to limit to just hit songs from what I can remember, the list is already huge! At this time the list included 1,409 songs.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Block Combo and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for 34 minutes.

The Phillies lost to the Braves last night and the issues of how the line up is going to sake out without Bryce Harper are going to be real apparent for the next couple of months.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream we're going to feature Fallout 76, and I'm kind of curious if the stream problems are tied to me gaming on my PC as opposed to doing stuff on console. I don't think so, but we'll see if there is a pattern. 

So on that note we'll see ya'll later over on!