Thursday, May 18, 2023

Resident Evil 5's DLC was a lot of fun

 Good morning everyone,

Work yesterday was fairly good, despite some issues with Microsoft Edge randomly remembering my login from last year that I've changed causing some headaches. Then I find out there is possibility of normal day work coming back which means a change in my streaming schedule again! Ugh! At least it'll be back to normal, which means Fall Guys would be back.

Last night's stream of Resident Evil 5 features both the Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape DLC, and we did both with Iceman, which was a lot of fun.

Lost in Nightmares is set before the events of RE5 on Chris and Jill's mission that saw her get captured by Wesker, basically a throwback to the gameplay style of the earliest Resident Evil games with puzzles that need to be solved and limited ammos. We did use a guide, and had one crushing death. The fight against Wesker was of course a pain in the ass as it relates to the QTEs being noticeable, but we cleared it.

Desperate Escape is a companion chapter to the event of Chapter 5 of RE5's main story, where you play as Jill and Josh as they escape from the facility after Chris and Sheeva rescue Jill. It's a mad dash, super action sequence with lots of bad guys and ammo. As a side story and showing how Jill and Josh got to the helicopter that appears at the end of the game, it was quite enjoyable.

Now with this, we're moving on Resident Evil 5, but we'll revisited down the road for shits and giggles, to try and get other achievements, but starting next week, Resident Evil 6 takes center stage.

Resident Evil 5 Achievements

  • A Friend in Need: Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed.
  • Must've Got Lost: Complete "Lost in Nightmares" on any difficulty setting.
  • Egg on Your Face: Defeat a Majini with a rotten egg.
  • Way of the Warrior: Defeat 150 enemies singlehandedly in one playthrough of "Desperate Escape."
  • The Great Escape: Complete "Desperate Escape" with an S rank.
  • Getaway: Complete "Desperate Escape" on any difficulty setting.

For the raid we dropped in on pradoxgamerau while they are playing Pokemon Brilliant Diamong/Shining Pearl over at

The plan for tonight's stream is to play Mass Effect, we shall continue our side quest hunt and grind for using  the engineer powers!

Also, as noted last night, The Dark Pictures Anthology will be something I'll be looking to get, since Iceman and I learned those are online co-op, which means more shenanigans we can have on Wednesdays! Now if anyone wants to gift it to me on the Xbox side... (I'm kidding!)

Did some writing on the WWE commission story and I was told by the client to take my time with it, so I'll shift my attention to the Mass Effect story commission.

So on that note we'll see yo ulater over on