Friday, February 9, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII certainly took longer than I expected to get through Chapter 7, but we were able to do it in about five hours, putting us in a good spot tackle Chapter 8 and farm the hell out CP on Saturday's stream. Which may not make for exciting content, but by my count I'm kind of a head in terms of the Skill Trees in having everything below the cost of 900 CP unlocked on every character. Now I understand getting mastery on everything is only possible in the post-game, but given my history with Final Fantasy games in general, I want to have every possible advantage I can get!

By the way I fully endorse the shipping of Fang and Lightning

Also I think I tracked down the physical strategy guides for Final Fantasy XII-2 and Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, as I really do intend to do the entire trilogy.

Big thanks to Oldish22 for the raid!

For my own raid we dropped in on neperrati who was playing Persona 3 Reload, a firm reminder that I need to play Persona 4 Golden as part of this year's line up for games.Come to think of it, with all the larger scale games I want to play this year, it'll be amazing on if I even manage to get to 30 games finished on this years tour!

Friday night's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushuma (Speaking of large games that will take awhile)

We didn't have work tonight, but I didn't start the stream until after 9 PM, just to stay in rhythm. We're waiting on an assignment at the moment.

Finished the Resident Evil commission request, and I wasn't to pleased with how it turned out, and I got started on working on a commission story based around WWE, which at this point is maybe about 35% finished. 

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Shame: Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.