Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Loyalty Of The Thief And The Mercenary

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 2 was focused on every not associated with the main story of the game, as we went to nearly every system we could and put in a good deal of time on things associated with the game's DLC. I'll get the Firewalker content out of the way first, I'm not a fan of the Hammerhead vehicle, but having played Mass Effect 2 enough times I can basically tear though its missions rather quickly to get it out of the way.

Zaaed's mission of revenge is probably the one where I can easily flip flop on saving the refinery workers or just getting Zaaed to Santiago so that he can have some closure. Granted the later has the awesome sight of Zaaed walking away from an explosion like a total bad ass.Which was the choice we made.

Kasumi's mission is probably a lot more convoluted than it needed to be, it certain has a lot more combat than Zaaed's by a large margin, and is more difficult because instead of having a squad of three, it's you as Shepard and Kasumi. The issue of the Gray Box is certainly debatable when it comes to choosing to destroy it or let Kasumi keep it. We went with letting her keep it.

Beyond that, we found a couple of side missions. located the Normandy crash site and just held off on picking up Jack, Grunt and Morden. Way I figure by picking up Jack and Grunt first, then Morden, that should allow me to deal with Project: Overlord before Horizon colony. At least that's the theory I have based on how I am looking to pace things out.

Mass Effect 2 Achievements

  • Merciless: Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire
  • Head Hunter: Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets
  • Agent: Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds
  • Broke, Blind and Bedlam: Gain the loyalty of the thief
  • Revenge!: Gain the loyalty of the mercenary

Twitch Clip Links

  1. This Is Mandatory
  2. Shepard Meets The Press 
  3. Head Hunter

For the raid, we dropped in on Redneck_23 who was doing things with Farming Simulator 22 over at!   

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Triple Combo #2 and Intermediate Combo #1. Also set a new personal best by scoring a perfect on Advanced Combo #2 set on Low.

I'm not surprised at all with how lackluster Sony's updated PlayStation Plus service is going to be in comparison to what folks get with Xbox's GamePass... this is because of Sony's attitude towards older content. Just remember, Sony is the company who had a CEO who insulted those who like to go back and play older games.

So when checking out games, I  checked Enter Digiton: Heart of Corruption, which is one of the many Indy-developed platformer that has a bit of Metroid approach to it. While it only took 30 minutes to get all the achievements, I can safely say it is very buggy, as any time I paused or pressed the central button on the controller to check my progress. I can safely say this is a game that is not worth featuring on stream with the issues I had with it.

Enter Digiton: Heart of Corruption Achievements

  • Opener I: Open 1 door with a key
  • Cleaner I: Destroy 25 obstacles
  • Hunter I: Kill 6 enemies
  • Cleaner II: Destroy 75 obstacles
  • Opener II: Open 2 doors with a key
  • Clearer I: Die 6 times
  • Clearer II: Die 12 times
  • Hunter II: Kill 24 enemies
  • Cleaner III: Destroy 200 obstacles
  • Clearer III: Die 24 times
  • Hunter III: Kill 48 enemies
  • Opener III: Open 5 doors with a key

For tonight's stream we're going to do something different, we're going to check out Fallout 76.. ad game's whose initial launch was... troubled. But it's been around for a while, which means there was plenty of time for patches and fixes to be applied to it by its developers.

So on that note, we'll see you over on later tonight!