Friday, December 25, 2020

Today's Notes 12/25/20

Good evening everyone,

And Merry Christmas, now yes I am very late with today's notes, hell I didn't eat anything until after 5 PM EST, as I woke up after 1 PM EST and family came over (and boy the smiles on my nieces' faces when they saw their presents was awesome).

Anyway, last night's Star Trek Online stream saw us going through the Spectres story arc, one of three major piece of Star Trek Online's story that was removed from the main story because of sheer stupidity on behalf of the developers. When a game like Star Trek Online has such little content that isn't focused around grinding, the last thing they should've done was REMOVE THINGS THAT WERE IMPORTANT TO THE FUCKING STORY! Seriously, the fact that I'm wanting to continue the Glory For The Empire series means that I had a reason to go into things that should've already been done months ago, as the Spectres story arc is supposed to take place before dealing with Nimbus III.... (roughly level 10-20 give or take), but since it, along with Lost Dominion and Cold War are level lock, players don't get to experience those missions until much later on. Lost Dominion and Cold War are even more important, as one explains the relationship Weyoun has with the player and the other explains why everyone knows about the Preserver archive during the Iconian war. 

Ah well, I did do Fitness Boxing today, and had a solid workout. Felt my timing was just a bit off with jabs out of the Orthodox stance as well as with right uppercuts from the Southpaw stance. The routine was focused on stamina at a regular tempo so it was certainly more combat, without a sense of warming up and cooling down. Also today marked two weeks of Fitness Boxing 2.

Not sure exactly what I'm doing for tonight's stream over on, but I'll be coming up with something! Anyway, short post today, but we'll see ya later!