Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Today's Notes 5/18/21: Mass Effect, Overwatch Anniversary & More

Good afternoon everyone,

Slept in a bit because, well there were no work assignments today, so basically taking my time in getting around to things!

Last night's stream of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition saw a big focus on side-quests, so much so that Wrex and Garrus's side-stories are done and the romance plots involving Kaiden and Liara were progressed without going to either Noveria and Feros. Had a few great moments, including flipping over the MAKO and skidding across the ice. I've been having a lot of fun with the photo mode, and I wish we could pose Shepard and the NPCs in different spots, but regardless, it's a fun little addition to get to see things from different angles.Also knocked out Bring Down The Sky, which was originally DLC. Doing it also gave me the only achievement earned for the night.

  1. Colonial Savior: ME1: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.

And here are a few links to clips of last night's stream

Twitch Clips: NEXT!

Twitch Clips: Flipped It And Skidding Across The Ice!

Twitch Clips: Groovy....

Did some more grinding in Mortal Kombat 11 last night, managing to pick up one achievement. Running out of stuff I can knock out in one session. Think the next one I'll work on is getting the one for performing mercies. Anyway, here's the one I got last night.

  1. Teamwork: Play a Group Battle with 2 other players

Overwatch's Anniversary event went live today, which meant skins from all past events can be gotten from the loot boxes, but since I have them all already, I'm just concerned with the new stuff. Without a doubt Moria has the best of the new Legendary Skins, where she is basically Poison Ivy. That said, I do have to comment on something another streamer complained about Moira not having enough skins in comparison to some of the other other characters. To which I'll point out. Moira was not a launch character, she debuted in November of 2017, long after Widowmaker, Dva, Tracer, Mercy and even Sombra.  Then they complained about Moira have skins that are just pallet swaps, when in fact every character has a set of default alternate skins that are just pallet swaps. Folks, if you're going to complain, make sure your complaint can be shot down with simple logic.

For today's Fitness Boxing 2 session, since it was a none work day (beyond my control) we did a longer set than usual for a Tuesday, with the daily going 43 minutes. This also meant we acquired Martina's Trainee which is the achievement for performing 10 daily workouts with Martina. Also did about 12 minutes extra today, resulting in unlocking Martina's Buddy which is the achievement of performing 10 free exercises with Martina. Which means progress now begins on Martina's Best Friend, and we have 44 points out of the 100 needed for it

Tonight we'll be back to Mass Effect, and there will be a focus on doing Noveria first, since there is more to do there than on Feros. We'll probably start early again, but at the latest we'll get started at 6: 30 PM EST

And on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!