Sunday, May 14, 2023

Surprise Night Of Kirby Star Allies and A Sakura Box

Good morning everyone

First Happy Mother's day... and yes I miss my mom more and more every day, as I feel a lot of my own headspace struggles are due to trying to make her proud, and things are not flowing the way I would like in that regard. Am expecting some family to be visiting this afternoon, which would mean nothing is getting done today in regards to any writing.

Huge thank you to my cousin Frances who sent me a Sakura Box, filled with snacks and treats from Japan! I figure we'll try out one item per day from it to see what we like and what we don't like. In fact we tried out one of them on stream, the Shimi Choco Corn Stick, which was really quite good. It tasted like a wafer cookie.

Last night's stream also featured a surprise one night, start to finish marathon play through of Kirby Star Allies. Now up to four players can take part, but obviously I was flying solo, and to my surprise, the game's A.I. was actually quite good, in fact several times, it was the CPU controlled teammates that carried me through some dicey situations. In fact we only died a few times and most of that was due to my own mistiming. 

Now on a single, blind play through, we completed 69% (nice) of the game, which is pretty awesome, We did every extra level we unlocked, we were actively trying to find the switches for the bonus levels and the hidden puzzle pieces except when it was clear I didn't have the right combinations of powers to solve a puzzle.

When I can rope my cousin or brother into being apart of a stream, safe to say Kirby Star Allies might be a contender of things to play!

For the raid we dropped in on maximilian_dood who was trying to learn how to do some exploits in Street Fighter II involving Guile over at

Now it is Sunday night, which means Overwatch is on deck, we might mess around with the Empire-Watchers 4 v 4 a couple of times as well. 

Did get my laundry and dishes done yesterday, of course, not wanting to dirty any dishes after washing them, ordered a cheese-steak and fries. Been a long time since I had one.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)