Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Today's Notes 8/17/21: The Isle Of The Damned

Good morning everybody,

Woke up a bit before 6:30 AM today, so today is gonna feel weird, I just know it! 

So as you may recall on Sunday I told you what happened when some chick from Laurel Spings, New Jersey crashed their car and damaged my fence... and yesterday I learned, fencing companies don't repair fences they did not work on... which doesn't make any fucking sense. Is it a liability issues? Is it because they all have different ways of doing the same damn thing? It makes no sense.

Anyway last night's stream of Chrono Cross saw us recruiting everyone we came across which means Sprigg, Harle,Radius, Zappa, Van, Funguy, Norris, Starky, Sneff and Irenes. And if you're familiar with Chrono Cross you can basically tell that we covered the first chunk of the second half of the game, which involved a couple of side quests, as a lot of these characters can be missed if you stick strictly to the story path.

Now we didn't stop at the S.S. Zelbess (which is where Sneff and Irenes are recruited), we continued onward  to the Isle of the Damned and the boss fight against Garai, which was a real pain the ass. My party consisted of Lynx, Radius and Norris (becauese Garai is a white inante and having Harle in the party would've been a death sentence. Because we haven't had too much trouble against the bosses we've faced, I didn't feel the need to have revive spells on everyone, big mistake as Lynx and Radius got knocked out late in the fight, leaving Norris to finish off the fight by shooting Garai in the dick. I'm not kidding   Norri's Spiral-Ray tech ability goes straight for Garai's crotch, and if I wasn't on edge about surviving that battle (because the Isle of the Damned is a pain to navigate), I would've commented on it during the stream!

Anyway, we do have some clips from last night for you to enjoy:

Yesterday we added Fate/Extella Link to the collection, in particular the Fleeting Glory Edition for the Nintendo Switch which comes with the soundtrack D< a 4.5" wide 3-D acrylic diorama, a set of ten 3"x5" Servant cards and 17"x24" cloth wall scroll plus the game itself. This will remained sealed until we actually get around to playing the game. No point in opening things needlessly. 

Following last night's stream we raided Fn_Dante_Savage over at twitch.tv/fndantesavage  as he was playing Dead Space and working on achievements. He may not stream much, but its always awesome when he's on!

Good news, Kalenal's power was restored and if all goes well she should be streaming on Wednesday night over on twitch.tv/kalenal

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 487 kcal. The exercises for today were Weaving Combo #1, Advance Combo #1 and Intermediate Combo #2. We're now up to 93 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement, as we're inching closer to completing everything in the game! Everything is on pace for that to happen on Thursday (depending on point awarded for each of the next two days of course).

For tonight's stream we will continue Chrono Cross as we'll be heading for The Dead Sea which means we have two tough battles,the Highwayman which I remember being tough... but the battle with Miguel I know that's going to be a fucking nightmare. But we'll push though!

So on that note we'll see you later tonight over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!