Monday, June 26, 2023

In Overwatch 2: I Will Not Heal Teammates Who Play Stupidly

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream ended at about 11:45 PM, and it was wall to wall Overwatch 2... and let me address the title of this blog, because as someone who has spent probably 50% of my time in Overwatch playing the Support role I know my job is to supply heals to the team, but I will not heal teammates if I see them doing some incredibly stupid things,  like diving as Genji into a Reinhardt who is being pocketed by a Mercy. This also applies to teammates who go chasing eliminations when the payload needs to be moved.

Still we had a fun night, we did more than Quick Play, diving into the arcade mode and Mystery Heroes at times. We got 8 out of 11 of the Weekly challenges done. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in several matches! I picked up three Plays of the Game this week as Dva, Torbjourn and Reinhardt, while also playing matches as Moira, Ana, Tracer, Widowmaker, Bastion, Orissa, Zarya and others. In fact we managed to pick up an achievement during the stream as well for Zarya!

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Power Overwhelming: Keep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on tracydoll who was playing Friday The 13th The Game over on, I really should stream that just to get some footage of it before it shuts down and do a casual review.

Nearly finished the Mass Effect short story commission, really wish I didn't have writer's block combined with the rough adjusting to a different sleep schedule.

Needed to get some weed trimmer wire... not that I was able to do any lawn work because of the rain the past few days. Also needed some contractor bags.

Our next stream is schedule for Monday at 9:30 PM Eastern as we'll be playing Terminator: Resistance. I understand it got mediocre reviews when it came out, so we'll see if its a game I can finish or not. Of course we'll play it on the lowest possible difficulty to give myself a chance.

So on that note we'll see you next time over on!