Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Well We Went Longer Than Intended

Good morning everyone, 

Well I got a new mower yesterday because dealing with a lot of the lawn trimmer is going to be a hassle on two fronts in terms of dealing with the extension cord. Of course the mower I got had to be assembled, and that took way longer than it should have because of the vague instructions.

Last night's stream of Persona 3 Portable saw us cover a lot of ground getting quite a few Social Links up to 3-5, but it's clear I messed up the pacing as it relates to the Social Links for Hermit and Chariot, On the other hand we certainly had a lot of surreal moments regarding the names of various items. 

Now we did spend a lot of time in Tartarus last night, in fact way more than I was expecting to as the stream ended nearly 1 AM, because I was trying to get various side quests done. You see the Velvet Room Attendant (Elizabeth in this case) has a series of requests, and some involve a lot of good luck in hoping things pop up in order to get various rewards, including some of the best gear in the game. I'm debating on if I should do them are not, because it was hoping for gold enemies to spawn that me doing laps last night.

Now you see, since I'm trying to make sure we have a complete play through, it means sticking to a guide and grinding out as much as I can when we're popping into Tartarus. And the item I was looking for was the Steel Meda. I might just forego that and try to do as many of the other side quests as they appear.

Anyway, tonight's stream will see us make our way to the next big boss fight and the addition of Fuuka to the party!

Persona 3 Portable Achievements

  • Persona Memory Bank: Summon a Persona from the Compendium.
  • Grasping at Greed: Defeat a Golden Hand.
  • Skilled Commander: Perform 50 All-Out Attacks.

For the raid we dropped in on zdleague who was also playing Persona 3 Portable over at twitch.tv/zdleague

Messed around a bit with NHL 21, and boy did EA go all in on achievements to ensure very few people who complete it. None of the achievements are even worth doing under normal circumstances, so I'll casually knock them out when I have free time.

NHL 21 Achievements

  • Sure thing Skip: Make a coach or media objective in Be a Pro.

The job hunt is rather frustrating when I see companies (Cooper Health, Comcast) advertising the same positions after I applied for them wen I saw them posted months ago. Like what the fuck?!

Did some light writing on the Mass Effect commission story yesterday, I shall try to finish that before the weekend so that I can focus on the WWE commission story.  

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden