Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves saw Iceman and I setting sail, and finding a ton of loot, but with a lot of effort in regards locating various buried treasures on one island. I did get better at using the compass and the map to have a better idea of how to orientate myself to figure out where some things are. We picked up three achievements, however, they have zero gamer score but they are associated stepping on the islands that have outposts.

For the raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 

Tomorrow night we're back to Final Fantasy XIII. I did do a ton of grinding, getting up to about 800,000 CP, so we can progress forward with trying to knock out the remainder of Chapter 11, which should open up the 9th tier skill trees.

We had work tonight for the first time since a week prior to last Thursday, it was a bit of a tough night getting back into the swing of things.

So with work back, I didn't finish the story I was working on (another WWE related commission) as I was taking my time writing it  till about 3 PM when i found out there would be work.

The Borderlands movie looks fine, like an general popcorn flick. As long as it has action and explosions, then it's going to be fine.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Seeking Sanctuary: You paid a visit to the beautiful Sanctuary Outpost.
  • The Wonder of Plunder: You paid a visit to the towering Plunder Outpost.
  • Pay Your Respects: You paid a visit to the mysterious Galleon’s Grave Outpost.