Thursday, February 29, 2024

Smite and other notes

 Tonight's stream of Smite went fairly well, got a couple of wins in Arena, and got my ass kicked in Assault. Big thanks to Stiker for being apart of the fum. Played as Bellona, Athena, and a few others.

Tomorrow night we're returningto Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

For the raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing Don't Starve Together 

We did have work this evening, but it was filled with technical problems, so it'll be real interesting to see how my pay for this period turns out in two weeks.

Didn't finish the Dragon Ball commission, but it's half done, should be able to knock it out tomorrow.

Got my hands on the strategy guide for Mirror's Edge, another game that I intend to stream but I want to be able to research some things in advance.

Not much more to say, I'm tired, woke up way too early and didn't take a nap!

Good night!

Achievements and Trophies Earned This Week

Smart Is New Smash in Marvel Rivals As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner. Terror of the Ten R...