Friday, April 16, 2021

Today's Notes 4/16/21

 Good morning everybody,

Well last night I certainly did not play Star Trek Online, and the reason was, I didn't feel like just doing another stream of just doing Task Force Operations and doing needless grinding.

So instead, we went back... way back.... to 2001 with another Star Trek game, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force for the PlayStation 2. The last time I played it, prior to last night, was September 10, 2008, and keeping in mind I did have a PlayStation 3 at that point, it certainly wasn't capable of playing PS2 games. Now this game is one where you can choose your character to be male or female, and there are subtle differences depending on gender, such as you come across O'Dell in different locations, and some dialog is phrased differently from other NPCs. Now Voyager: Elite Force was originally a PC game ported to the PS2, and thus some (well a lot) of tweaking with the controls is needed as turning and looking up and down can be either too slow or too loose.... which makesGod Mode (when paused hold L1+L2+R1+R2+R3 then press select, you will hear the game say Impressive, when paused, you will see text indicating if its on or off) and almost necessity due to how enemies can and will rush you even on normal difficulty... keeping in mind I have 12+years of rust when t comes to Elite Force.

That all said, because there are a number of puzzles and trying to remember where to go and how to get from point A to point B involved, so we only made it past The Borg cube stage, which leaves 3 stages left. Which would be a good time to mention the following, the load times are frequent, as nearly every section of the game has to be loaded, granted the game runs smoothly, but you will become familiar with the loading screen. Even with god mod on, you can still die from fall damage and stepping into an environmental hazard, and there are several mission critical failures that can happen if you are not careful.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was solid, as I felt pretty god throughout it, missing only one block, and you know how my frustrations when it comes to doing block combos. We're still a long ways away from moving on from Sophie, as we get 3 points per day, and at the moment we're at 69, and so we need 31 more points to wrap up her last related achievement before moving on to the next trainer. Also of note: not as many calories burned this week as compared to last week, but the difference was only like a couple hundred, give or take.

Moving on, after last night's stream I loaded up MLB The Show 21 to give it a test run, and I can safely say the music got real old real fucking quick, so I turned that off within 5 minutes. Control wise, pitching isn't that much different from ESPN Baseball for the PS2 (which we'll be playing tomorrow night), but hitting it a pain in the ass, as it's that zone style / aim type hitting which kind of makes the game not fun to deal with because it forces you to use the strike zone camera (from behind home plate) which is something I hate! Still, I did get a bunch of achievements last night. And we'll be playing this for tonight's stream!

And on that note, we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)