Thursday, September 8, 2022

So Much Progress In Fallout 76

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 was kind of all over the place in terms of what I was doing, but there was progress made in the Steel Dawn story arc (Where you pick a side after a long quest of dealing with an A.I. that unleashes all sorts of scorched creatures... including a Mothman), as well as making some headway as it relates to exploring the South East part of the map and  progress on the Astronaut Companion story. The only thing I didn't do was really push forward on the main story quest. 

Ammo continues to be a concerned, but I did look up the ideal of having the ammo-smith perk and it's corresponding Level 50 Super Perk to craft more when I have the resources. So hopefully I'll be able to keep myself fully stocked.

Big thanks to Iceman for being apart of the fun, it's been a while since he was in the main world, so we're going to have to work on getting his quests done.

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Never Go it Alone!: Join 20 Teams

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni over at! They were playing Magic: The Gathering!  

Last night's stream saw no issues, not even frame drops, so that's good... maybe everything truly has been fixed by Xfinity. Speaking of which I got Xfinity's second rebuttal to the FCC regarding the issues I had, and once again the person handling the case included wrong information as it wasn't they who reached out to me last Thursday, it was another one of their colleagues.

From what I'm seeing, Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix is the best game in Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium to grind for CAPSO,... I pretty much went through that game and perfected every round of all eight matches to get the maximum score. From what I can tell but using the re-load rewinding 45 times will get the maximum CAPSO score. Which means

Really need to just sit down a write out the back-half of the commissioned fic based on the Spider-Man PS4 game... I have the intro and set up done.  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout a 28 minuet workout with Left-Right Step Combo, Hook Combo #2 and Beginner Combo #1. Today we fulfilled the requirements for the Laura's Champion EX Achievement, so now our focus will be on Evan.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  • Laura's Champion: Trained with Laura for over 50 hours
  • Evan's Champion: 60% Completed (30 out of 50 hours)
  • King EX Fighter: 96% of EX Achievement Acquired.

Never trust a bucket's theories. They just don't hold water.

What's the difference between Prince William and a tennis ball? One is heir to the throne and one is thrown in the air.

What's the derivative of Amazon? Amazon Prime. 

Song of the Day: H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

Use code POGHF1516 for up to 16 FREE MEALS across 7 boxes + 3 surprise gifts at

For tonight's stream, Final Fantasy XIV is on deck, we'll see about cleaning up more side quests, maybe do some raids and stuff, we'll see. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!