Friday, September 29, 2023

The Evil Within 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream featured The Evil Within 2 as we covered the end of Chapter 4, all of Chapter 5 and the open world parts of Chapter 6, finding various goodies and advancing the plot at a nice pace. Since there are 17 chapters in the game we are roughly a third of the way through it. Perhaps what gave me the most trouble tonight was a puzzle where I had to use mirror reflections to see which doors to use, which makes me glad we have all the cheats enabled since The Cold Lady was on my tail the entire way.

The Evil Within 2 will of course be on next week's line-up, scheduled for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Not Running This Time: Defeated the Guardian outside City Hall.
  • Doing Some Detecting: Collected 20 files.
  • The Team Psychologist: Found a potential ally in The Marrow.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Ark: Survival Evolved 

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Friday and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn, as I'm going to put a focus on exploring areas opposite of where I need to go. Since I know where these side objectives are might as well go for them.

Work was incredibly meh... some people were willing to be interviewed, but were disqualified for demographic reasons.

I have a job interview on Monday via Zoom, which I hope goes well

Got a pair of story commissions finished today, one Star Wars related and the other related to WWE, while starting on a 3rd commission request based on the Legend of Korra. Thankfully I have some wiggle room with it since it involved characters and details that could be consider minor at best.

Also had to cancel doing a commission request because the person kept piling on details and wanting a story done in a style I was not comfortable doing since it would involve emulating someone else. 

Anyway, at the moment I'm making some pasta for Friday's dinner, so I should pay attention to that!

Good night everyone!