Sunday, May 5, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

We were joined by PandaSweet for many matches in Overwatch this evening, and I branched out a little playing as a wider variety of characters that I normally doing use, and ended up having some very decent moments as Repaer and Zarya. About a year ago I got the first of Zarya's two character related achievements and tonight I got the other. 

Of course there was a huge issue with running into random who were either choosing not to fight on the objective or going so far out of their way to show off it kept putting us on the back foot. So yeah, I checked out of several matches.

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday

Tomorrow's stream will feature Borderlands 2 as we turn our attention to the next DLC related thing

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was doing a music stream we dropped in

Finished the NHL related story this afternoon and the next one on my agenda is WWE related, which thankfully should only take maybe a day and a half 

Going to record this weeks Daria reaction before going to bed as we're up to episode 9

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • The Power of Attraction: Capture 4 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)