Saturday, December 11, 2021

Three Gyms In One Night

Good afternoon everyone,

You ever find yourself reaching a point you didn't plan on reaching in something you're doing?

Well that was the case last night for me during the stream of Pokemon: Shining Pearl. Now I knew I was going right for one gym at the start with the possibility of a second one... because I assumed there would be more of a straight forward path based on when various abilities were unlocked (namely the Surf ability)... but nope, after passing the fifth gym, I was basically told to go back to the beginning areas of the game to drop in on a town which happened to have the sixth gym.

Thankfully, my team of Pokemon were balanced enough to deal with it, as I prefer to over level my Pokemon to basically roll over the gym leaders... those of you who have seen the Pokemon Shield and Let's Go Eevee streams know this. So this raises the question for the next Pokemon Shining Pearl stream... do I just go straight for Valor Lake, or do I head into the underground and use the powerful Pokemon down there to level boost. With six gym badges I could easily level up my squad to 70.

Other notes is four members of my squad evolved, so the team now has Roselia, Staraptor, Prinplup, Rapidash to go along with Mew and Luxray. Kind of weak against Ground Type Pokemon, but for the most part by level boosting I should be able to steam roll anything with this lineup.

Following the stream we hosted Maxomilian_Dood who was mess around with one of the Halo Infinite over on!  

Twitch Clip Links

Today marked one full year of Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Exercise, and for today's session, the exercises were Double Combo #1, Defensive Combo #2 and Defensive Combo #1 for a duration of 29 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 438 kcal.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  1. One Year's Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 365 Consecutive Days

What does a year of Fitness Boxing 2 look like? Well here are the totals the three important total.

  • Total Punches Thrown: 498,755
  • Estimated Calorie Burn:  211,235 kcal
  • Exercise Duration: 223 Hours 38 Minutes

Since yesterday was a work day with no work for anyone (again figure that out) I put in some more time on Jump Force to get an idea of how the grind towards a lot of the remaining achievements is going to go.  The Level Training Missions are solid enough on Normal or Hard Difficulty to net a good amount of XP to do some boosting that way, and the Gold Missions seems to help for the ones related to in-game currency. Safe to say Jump Force will still be featured and might gets it's own dedicated night for grinding.

Jump Force Achievements

  1. A Natural Fighter: Got S rank 10 or more times on Normal Free Missions.

Happy Birthday to my father who turned 67 years old. 

Rita Repulsa has been added to Power Rangers Battle For The Grid... and since there are achievements in that I still want to try and get I really should resume playing that at some point. 

My off-line Final Fantasy XIV adventures continued with a heavy push on the second-half of the level 74-75 quests in the Main Story... that saw Y'shtola nearly die... again. Seriously, it is a running joke at this point with how Y'shtola seems to have a fake-out death. Still another Lightwarden was defeated defeated, so that is three down and three to go... but I do suspect that my character absorbing all the light may lead to a calamity of some sort.

For tonight's stream, we will be playing Final Fantasy XIV, and since I'm in the Shadowbringers part of the game, no one has to worry about spoilers unless you have not reached that part of the game yet! Still I might just do random stuff, maybe fill out an adventure journal and such.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!