Wednesday, January 18, 2023

So Saints Row '22's origin for The Saints actually makes sense in context

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Saints Row '22 saw us start with off roaming around, doing the side hustles, finding stores and any landmarks we could find before making some headway when it came to the main story, which saw the unlocking of the JimRob's Garage, and the advancement to where The Boss gets canned by Marshall because of the other factions crashed a museum. This lead to mission where the two companion characters who had affiliation with the those other factions basically quitting and which leads to the creation of the Saints. 

Now that may seem convoluted, but one has to remember in the original Saints Row, the Saints were already established, and because of the events of Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell, Johnny Gat basically has an option to reboot the universe, which means the Saints don't come into existence until much later on. So with that in mind, the story actually works.

One thing that was cool was that folks realized that I made The Boss character apart of the LGTBQ community, which just makes sense because of the 'Romance' scenes in Saints Row IV. Regardless of the gender, the Boss has relations with all members of the Saints in that game. 

On a side note: I found an Indiana Jones style hat, jacket and pants with a whip in one of the in-game stores, which was pretty awesome!

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz while they were playing Prey over on

Congratulations to Monicaneo who is getting married in October! Hope they and their partner have a long and happy marriage!

 Saints Row Achievements

  • Tune Up: Customized a vehicle.
  • Food for Thought: Staggered an enemy with a vending machine.
  • Performance Review: Got fired.
  • Making a Name: Named your criminal empire.

Stream Clip Links

There was some miscommunication regarding what was going on with mom, but it was discovered that she has some fluid around her left lung that may be causing some shortness of breath. Had a long talk with my brother and one of the doctors who are taking care of mom, and the subject of how weak she has gotten because she's basically been bed ridden since initially going to the Emergency Room back on December 28. If anyone would like to help my mom in her fight against Lung Cancer, please donate to her gofundme at!

Continued my string of daily commission writings with another Dragon Ball tale, and I have another one in well that is apart of the established series of stories featuring Videl... even if she won't be featured in the next one that was requested. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo and Hook Combo #2

"Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera."

Song of the Day: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons

For tonight's stream, Fall Guys will lead thing off then after the 9 PM break, we'll switch over to Fallout 76 as I work my way to level 100!

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)